Checking your change


3 March 2009
When you get something from a shop and pay in cash, when you get your change back, do you check it to see if its right?

I have to be honest - i give my hand a cursery glance but dont attempt to do the maths in my head - i think i do it more out of habit more then anything.

If its in a coffee shop or something i normally just dump all the change in the tips jar anyway so it doesnt matter - but still, the thought popped into my head so i thought i'd ask haha
Yeah sometimes, although I normally pay on my debit card in shops but the women who work in the canteen at work are thick as shit so I always check it when I buy something from there.
I rarely check it, sometimes i find I have foreign coins weeks later, there's a British 10p on my locker right now that i got as change in the canteen at my work in Queens, NY. It kinda looks like a quarter
We used to wrap two five pence pieces in gold foil from a pack of B and H and use it as a quid coin when it was a pound a bottle on Monday nights at the Ritz in Manchester. It was so busy they didn't check and just threw them in a plastic skip behind them. We did this for weeks until some arsehole decided to pay with a fiver and wanted change and he got one back and complained about it.
I always check my change though to the uninitiated it will look like a cursory glance. :JAY:

Unless I'm a bit drunk in which case judging by the money left the day after I'm pretty sure I've put Nick's future kids through college.
I rarely check it, sometimes i find I have foreign coins weeks later, there's a British 10p on my locker right now that i got as change in the canteen at my work in Queens, NY. It kinda looks like a quarter

i normally get that to. I've got a few euros kicking around. But i just fob them off as 10ps the next time i go to the sandwich shop at lunch
Only for paper money, which is why I ended up with a 10cents turkish coin passing for a 2euro the other day. Paid with it at the same shop and they didnt realise either :D
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