Bidone D’Oro


World Cup Winner
29 July 2003
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
I know this is kind of a joke prize in Italy, but why is F.Melo one of the candidates?
Didnt understand that one...
Not only brazilians Thomas, this is just a picture i took from a brazilian site comenting on the brazilians that are indicated for the "prize"
Quaresma, Huntelaar, Carrizo, Tiago and Pulsen are also on the list.

Now i wanted to know why F.Melo is in that list, i thought he had a good season at Fiorentina...
i'd guess this only applies to this season? otherwise there would be no huntelaar on the list.
Felipe Melo is on that list because he way payed 25 mln + C.Zanetti......Fiorentina 1 year ago payed only a few milions for him.

here is the list:
Juan Pablo Carrizo (Lazio)
Nelson Dida (Milan)
Felipe Melo (Fiorentina-Juventus)
Klaas Jan Huntelaar (Milan)
Julio Baptista (Roma)
Mancini (Inter)
Christian Poulsen (Juventus)
Ricardo Quaresma (Inter)
Ronaldinho (Milan)
Tiago (Juventus)

to me the winner is.....Transinho, Huntelaar or Carrizo....but also Melo for the "25 mln" reason (Quaresma already won last year and this year didn't played so much to prove he's sh*t :P )

seriously, Huntelaar will win it
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What an utter stupid "award" if players who fail don't know that themselves...why rub it in ???

Furhermore it seems to me that there are players on that list who should not be there.

A better idea would be an award for the worst piece of journalism...would be a very close match with lots of nominees.
"il bidone d'oro" has nothing to do with journalism, Gerd. it's just a joke, a parody of the ballon d'or, invented by the hosts of a radio show.
nominees and winners aren't choosen by journalists. the listeners of the show make their picks via phone calls....
it's just a way to involve the radio show listeners into the program, a way to have some fun, listening football fans mocking serie a teams directors for their "wise moves on the market".

infact the word "bidone" doesn't refer to the quality of a player. "bidone" (litterally "trash-can") is a metaphoric expression we use to refer to bad deals. So the same player can be a great deal or a "bidone" according to the circumstances...if u get foggia or criscito for 4 millions, that's a great deal..... if u pay them 30 millions that's probably gonna turn out to be a bidone, as those players won't probably live up to that price tag.
so the "award" isn't meant to humiliate the players, but the team directors who bought em.

as for your question, brunnoce, i haven't watched juve on a regular basis so far this season, so i can just say that whenever i watched them playing, melo was pretty decent (sometimes a little less than decent).....
what makes him a "bidone" is his price tag.... when u spend 25 million euros for a defensive midfielder.... in italy.... (mind u the defensive midfielders market is very different from the offensive players market... if u spend 25 millions on an offensive midfielder, u're gonna get a great player.... if u spend the same ammount of money on a defensive midfielder, then that should guarrantee u THE VERY BEST defensive midfielder out there. period).... so, given his price tag, "pretty decent" is definitely not enough....... :))

truth is juventus team director thought that, by signing melo, they were about to buy a top defensive midfielder, or at least something slightly below that level...... while melo has still a looooong way to go to reach that level.... infact, at this stage of his carreer, we can't even say, beyond any doubt, whether he'll turn out to be a proper defensive midfielder or not (his growth process might turn him into a box to box midfielder)..... he's got potential, no doubt about that....and maybe one day he will be a world class player, but today he's not worthy 25 millions. and that makes him a "bidone" ;)

i reckon it's gonna be a close battle between melo and huntelaar.... and i believe it's not a coincidence they were signed by 2 of the worst team directors in serie a: secco (juve) and galliani (milan).
No Italians players... and where Mexes ?

We have the same price in France "le Ballon de Plomb" it's about footballeur quality, career choice and personnality.

for 2009 :

Stefan Babovic
Mustapha Bayal
Stéphane Dalmat
Nicolas Dieuze
Kader Keita
Mateja Kezman
Ivan Klasnic
Luigi Pieroni
Diego Placente
Elliot Grandin
No Italians players... and where Mexes ?

We have the same price in France "le Ballon de Plomb" it's about footballeur quality, career choice and personnality.

for 2009 :

Stefan Babovic
Mustapha Bayal
Stéphane Dalmat
Nicolas Dieuze
Kader Keita
Mateja Kezman
Ivan Klasnic
Luigi Pieroni
Diego Placente
Elliot Grandin

K. Keita may do great with Galatasaray (I don't know), he was always terrible with Lyon for the price they paid. My vote goes for him for the Ballon de plomb.
Well, Felipe Melo is the #5 of Seleçao...
If Juventus has payed 25 million for him, that is their problem, not Felipe's one.

Dida deserved it before... but right now he looks at least correct

For me, this Bidone d'oro looks more an award of unhappy fans that think that their players are too much paid for their actual production. And of course, a lot of criticism against foreign players in their championship, as they are "the joke" of Serie A.

Le Ballon de Plomb mixes more of the personality of the player, the way he acts in the media, how well he plays, the expectations on him, etc. It is a really funny award, because they really are the joke of the championship.

For this year, Dalmat and Klasnic are great contenders for it, but maybe not as good as Fred Piquionne last year.
I think you guys are being harsh! Its not a real physical award. Its just a joke like Ben said from a radio station. The award doesn't say Felipe Melo is bad, its saying that for 25 million, its a bad deal, considering Cristiano Zanetti is doing great at Fiorentina.
yeah guys it's just an escamotage used by the hosts of a radio program to involve the listeners into some fun conversations.... i know le ballon de plomb, thomas, and i can tell u, il bidone d'oro is even less serious than its french counterpart.... le ballon de plomb is an invention of a sport newspaper and has it's own rules at least, while il bidone d'oro doesn't.... as u can see there are even candidates from different seasons like carrizo (last season) and melo (current season).

anyhow scratch, the fact that melo is a national team player would mean something if brazil actually had a coach who deserve a bit of credit.
now this brazil (right now, and despite dunga) is doing very well, don't get me wrong..... but i consider dunga one of the poorests coach brazil had since i follow football (and it's not like brazil had many good coaches either).
just a few days ago, during the match against england, he replaced melo with simplicio :LOL:
never mind talking about simplicio and the other loads of players he never called up before (and who could have been much more useful than some of the players he actually called up in the last few years).....for once he did something smart.... he called up a player that might actually be helpful for this brazil......and he put him in melo's spot?!? :BLINK:..... does he even know simplicio? does he have any idea which is his role (to be fair i'm quite sure he has no idea what's melo's role either).....
and that's just to pick his last dumb move, as i could go on for hours, remarking stupid mistakes like that.
seriously, don't get me started on dunga..... even mourinho is a great coach, compared to that joke.
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are Baros and Kewell still on fire over there?

seems like Gala is a good club to rescue your reputation.


Baros last season king of the goal(26 goal total)(this season 10 goals)
But he had a injury Fenerbahçe game,broken his leg(2 mounths) :(

Kewell 12 goal last season,this season 9 :)
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