24 Series 5 - UK Viewers Only

Re: 24 Series 5 - Starts Sunday 12th Feb

my friend gave me the first season dvd and I'm though to hour 8 and so far it's really entertaining.
Re: 24 Series 5 - Starts Sunday 12th Feb

ClassicD said:
One thing, does no one else get bored with the way the show focuses on a terrorist plot for a few episodes, then basically sticks two fingers up at everyone watching by saying "That wasn't the real plot, this is"? Then that new plot is just dismantled in the same way!

They do seem to be flogging this angle jsut a little, also the 'mole' angle is getting a little tired too.
He wasnt a mole was he....

He thought he was working for Walt Cummings in the Whitehouse..
Anyone know when they going to show the episodes back to back? I missed the first few and have been avoiding it like the plaugue until they repeat them. Its been while and still nothing! - Anyone know?
Stealth131 said:
Anyone know when they going to show the episodes back to back? I missed the first few and have been avoiding it like the plaugue until they repeat them. Its been while and still nothing! - Anyone know?

They were repeated at least 3 times a week mate, what were you doing?!
I meant, will they show the episodes again back to back? (I swear they normally do that?!) - ntl box was playing up for ages, so couldn't get access to sky one until a couple of weeks ago (24 was already well under way). Say they'll show it back to back!!! - it'll be pure heartbreat otherwise!
I think the best you will get mate it the last two episodes back to back not the series were already on the 8th ep.
Well it would appear at the moment that CTU are without a clue, wonder what will turn up next week
Without giving anything away, anyone who's feelings are "it's not like the old ones, I'm fed up of the same old storyline - meaning there's not really any impact when anything happens" (same as I felt really)... Don't stop watching it, just wait and you really, truly won't be disappointed. Trust me. What's just happened in the latest (US aired) episode has got me exactly the way the very first series has.

I demand the next ten hours are shown back-to-back to avoid being kept on edge for the next ten weeks. :(
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