Zidane / Materazzi

Thomas, nobody says Materazzi was right to behave like that, insulting Zidane was unfair, BUT that doesn't excuse the headbutt from Zizou.

Do you think it's a good example for childrens wo look at Zidane as a model ?

There are explanations, but no excuses for what he did.
Still I 'll remember Zidane as a great player and a great man, but he finished his career in a very sad way.
Materazzi just did what you do when you play against a great player, you try to distract him. You should hear what Spike Lee used to tell MJ during Knicks - Bulls games. It's all in the game. Zidane has turned out like G. Hagi, while he could have been one of the greatest ever. A shame.
Joker89 said:
I read in "Marca" that Materazzi speaks about his mother or sister...
I watched in tv here, Liplaser said Materazzi called his sister a fuc**** bi*** and then he gave that headbutt. I know it's not fair what Materazzi did. But Zizou could left that in blank and then hit his nasty face after the game. Not doing like a bull.
Hmmm was interesting to hear Gallas say people dont pick up on what the actual cause is and concentrate on the outcome i.e. the headbutt.

the truth is people should respect other people and no doubt matterazi over stepped that mark, so its right to swear at each other on a picth is it? racially slander someone? insult family's?

I dont think so, the big issue here is the world cup has been full of diving, cheating, trying to get one over the opposition using dirty tactics etc etc

edit: just read that post up above, "just what u do against a great player...." what a shame mate thats quite a pathectic attitude to have, and just because players did it in a knicks bulls game doesnt justify it any more, its a shame but the world is full of ugly people.
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It's what I call reality dude. Football certainly won't be the first place where we start working on a better world now is it? Not with the level of intelligence most players have.
No one is denying Materazzi is a cunt FFS. People keep saying it again and again and again. But Zidane was STILL wrong to headbutt him.
The point is Matteratzi has no respect again other Players! It was Zidanes last Game, Zidane is a Worldclass Player! He will finish with this Match his Career, and then comes the A**hole Materatzi!!!!

Matteratzi is a perfidious,guileful Player, who risks an injury for his opponent!he gets insulting against opponents, it is not the first Time!
I can understand why Italian Fans are guarding matteratzi!

Everyone says Zizou has made a mistake, Matteratzi has done the mistake, so for me and a lot of Footballfans he will be an A**hole!
jimis said:
The point is Matteratzi has no respect again other Players! It was Zidanes last Game, Zidane is a Worldclass Player! He will finish with this Match his Career, and then comes the A**hole Materatzi!!!!

Matteratzi is a perfidious,guileful Player, who risks an injury for his opponent!he gets insulting against opponents, it is not the first Time!
I can understand why Italian Fans are guarding matteratzi!

Everyone says Zizou has made a mistake, Matteratzi has done the mistake, so for me and a lot of Footballfans he will be an A**hole!
jimis said:
The point is Matteratzi has no respect again other Players! It was Zidanes last Game, Zidane is a Worldclass Player! He will finish with this Match his Career, and then comes the A**hole Materatzi!!!!

Matteratzi is a perfidious,guileful Player,

It's Materazzi not Matteratzi.

Matteratzi is a perfidious,guileful Player

You do know guile means skill and craftiness, right?
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Karaté Kid IV... featuring Zizou... out summer 2006 :D


For Jimis) It was Zidanes last Game, Zidane is a Worldclass Player! He will finish with this Match his Career, and then Zidane does a really stupid thing. Sorry... he could have been smarter on this one.

And yes... Materazzi is an a**hole... Happy now ? :)
Who is guarding Materazzi? Hes an idiot and an asshole for provoking Zidane. But you gotta understand that provoking happens all the time, and infront of millions of viewers you can't justify a headbutt.
Rocky29 said:
It's Materazzi not Matteratzi.

Sorry guys, lets see Materazzi means A**hole!, i will call him only A**hole!

And i Know very well that these thingy happens in Football, but he must be a big Idiot without respect! It was Zidanes last Game!!!! He can do something like this in his League, or in Other Matches with italy!!!

Zidane was also Stupid to kick him, but when is the Border crossed???? what is allowed to say one to the other??? What is right and what not???

Guilefull means malicious, an unfair player!!!!!
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The wrong is retaliation. Retaliation is always something that is punished by FIFA, mainly because stuff that happens before retaliation is hard to see or prove. Thats why Zidane was more wrong than Materazzi, even though he was wrong as well.
jimis said:
Sorry guys, lets see Materazzi means A**hole!, i will call him only A**hole!

And i Know very well that these thingy happens in Football, but he must be a big Idiot without respect! It was Zidanes last Game!!!! He can do something like this in his League, or in Other Matches with italy!!!

Zidane was also Stupid to kick him, but when is the Border crossed???? what is allowed to say one to the other??? What is right and what not???

Guilefull means malicious, an unfair player!!!!!

Stop judging Magic Marco, you don't even know what he said.

Guilefull means malicious, an unfair player!!!!!

Umm, no.
I love how a lot of people are blaming it all on Materazzi, it's actually quite hilarious.

How many of us here have played football? How many of us have had personal insults thrown at us, whether it be when we were younger or older? With age comes maturity and what should be a capacity for a level head in times of high pressure and stress. This is nowhere near the first time Zidane has had personal abuse thrown at him in a match, I can assure you of that, I can also be absolutely sure this wasn't the first time Materazzi has attempted to insult someone on a football pitch.
The only difference this time is that Zidane lost control and reacted foolishly. Thats not Materazzi's fault, it's solely Zidane's fault. Materazzi isn't a likable charachter, he never has been, so it makes it even easier for a lot of people to twist this situation and look for another "villain" apart from the real one, Zidane.

What Materazzi said isn't even the issue, it's the loss of control that a mature and experienced player displayed in the biggest match of a footballers career that is. For what Zidane did there is no excuse, I dont care if Materazzi told him his "bum looks big in those shorts" or "I did your mother", Zidane should have the cop on to not react in the way he did.

Materazzi is a dirty player. Zidane is a legend, one of the greatest players of the modern game. Both of those facts will remain true forever, but so does the fact that what Zidane did was entirely his own fault and also wrong. Blaming someone else for your own foolish actions is the work of a coward.
Milanista said:
The wrong is retaliation. Retaliation is always something that is punished by FIFA, mainly because stuff that happens before retaliation is hard to see or prove.

Thats right, but i am interested to hear what the Italian people say about this!!!! Zidane has played a lot of years for Juve! Normaly Italian are friendly people, and they know about respect!

The problem is now that everyone will convigting Materazzi! Zidane has leave the filed as winner! Italy as World Champion! But Materazzi as looser, from now every Referee will watch him very nyrrowly!
What a stupid thread.
One guy says, "I know Zidane was wrong but so was Materazzi". Then the next guys says, "I know Materazzi was wrong but so was Zidane".

I think we should close this cuz we'll be here all day with the type of people in this thread.
Rocky29 said:
Stop judging Magic Marco, you don't even know what he said.

Umm, no.

If someone reacts like Zizou what do you mean Materazzi has told Him, How nice he founds Zizou's plying style!!! Some lipreaders has given interviews in German sportsites, German newssites are having new headlines:

Will Italy be Punished for rassism?????

Next weeks will be interesting for Italy, what happens with Mila, Juve and other Teams, and will the Natinalteam be punished, also Materazzi???

we will see, the trough will come out!

Translation program Beolingus says guilfull means same as malicious,

watch here:http://dict.tu-chemnitz.de/dings.cg...&optpro=0&query=arglistig&dlink=self&comment=
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Materazzi has already admitted to insulting Zidane.

I just wanted to point out something in the FIFA laws of the game. Under fouls and miconduct on page four under sending-off offences it clearly states the following

6. uses offensive or insulting or abusive language and/or gestures

Shouldnt Materazzi have been in some form of trouble also?
jimis said:
If someone reacts like Zizou what do you mean Materazzi has told Him, How nice he founds Zizou's plying style!!! Some lipreaders has given interviews in German sportsites, German newssites are having new headlines:

Will Italy be Punished for rassism?????

Translation program Beolingus says guilfull means same as malicious,

watch here:http://dict.tu-chemnitz.de/dings.cg...&optpro=0&query=arglistig&dlink=self&comment=

Well that translation program is wrong, because guileful and guile surely mean skill, craftiness, and cunning, I'm 100% postive.

Oh and I'd just like to say Materazzi has new found respect in me, he's one of my heros now.
Rocky29 said:
Oh and I'd just like to say Materazzi has new found respect in me, he's one of my heros now.

you're really a racist twat :applause:
Just so it's clear Rocky29 why is Materazzi one of your heroes, because he got the player sent off through his "cunning" or because of what he may or may not have said to Zidane or do you just not like Zidane or the French or Muslims.
jimis said:
Sorry guys, lets see Materazzi means A**hole!, i will call him only A**hole!

And i Know very well that these thingy happens in Football, but he must be a big Idiot without respect! It was Zidanes last Game!!!! He can do something like this in his League, or in Other Matches with italy!!!

Zidane was also Stupid to kick him, but when is the Border crossed???? what is allowed to say one to the other??? What is right and what not???

Guilefull means malicious, an unfair player!!!!!


So, because it was Zidane's last gmae, he should be nicer to him? Give me a break. This shit happens all the time. Zidane plays in Spain, which is jsut as bad about racism as Italy, so it's not like he's never experienced it before. He should learn to control himself, it's not the first time he's lost his mind. Not to mention no on even knows what Materazzi said. There's tons of different versions of what was said, and only Zidane and Materazzi know the truth, and neither are likely to tell it.
i've say it, we will know the trough in a few days, Fifa is pissed with this!!! I am sure Materazzi is guilty! Zidanes reaction was big shit! But when i tell you something about (perhaps) your Mother, or sister, or nationality, what wil you do??? Greeks have the same temperament, we will kick asses if someone makes us angry!:mrgreen:

It is a difference to be "nicer" and to show respect to a great Player who makes his last Game!
I have play football myself for a long time and i know what is going on! On field people change to big A**holes, and it is not easy to control yourself sometimes!!!!
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Zizou did it again !!! Noooooo :(


(Note: That's just a joke... please dont give me a headbutt guys !)
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