What do you have for your evening meal?

I like Ligurian Pizza.... it's basically a focaccia with tomatoes, anchovies and olives... with of course local olive oil :D

oh yeah, that's good, i tried it years ago. but u see, even that isn't an actual pizza, it's a focaccia.

we do something similar to the focaccia ligure here in sicily, but instead of anchovy we put pecorino, rucola and bresaola.... plus we use sicilian extra virgin olive oil (wich is just a tiny bit better than the ligurian oil :D ).
There have been a lot of napoletani places opening around Milan (and Padova where my parents live) in the last few years. I'm sure some are linked to camorra, but the pizzas and seafood you get can be really great in some of these.

I always get myself an appetiser of seafood (usually baby octopus in tomato, some mussels etc.), and then a nice 'bufalotta' pizza. It's buffalo mozzarella (Mozzarella di bufala in Italian. This cheese is quite pricey in London, but affordable... as is burrata) with fresh cherry tomatoes and decent/nice olive oil. The dough is usually so delicious that it can even be eaten on its own :D

One of these style of pizzeria restaurants just opened in London - you might know it in Italy as Rosso Pomodoro (I think there's one in every city). I think it's better than 95% of the pizza I've eaten in the UK. I think Pizza in London is quite poor and is often very heavy and oily.... Pizza is meant to be the complete opposite.
It's buffalo mozzarella (Mozzarella di bufala in Italian. This cheese is quite pricey in London, but affordable... as is burrata) with fresh cherry tomatoes and decent/nice olive oil. The dough is usually so delicious that it can even be eaten on its own :D

u can find burrata in london? that's impressive! as for the mozzarella di bufala, the real problem is that it has to be eaten within a day (2 day tops)... after 3 days it already tastes completely different (and it starts feeling gummy and dry). and after 5 days it's terrible.
so even if they could fly some bufalina from napoli, it'd have to be put in the pizza by the day.... and that means they should have daily shipments from napoli... wich sounds highly unlikely.

whenever my relatives come here from napoli i ask them to bring me some bufalina. they get it right before taking the plane, so i can eat at least a couple by the end of the day. the rest of it, i eat it the day after.... and after just 1 day it's already nowhere near as good as the day before.
that's the problem with fresh food. it's basically impossible to export.

as for rossopomodoro, yeah, i know them. they opened a pizzeria in palermo last year. they closed after only a few months because the place was always deserted. if that's one of the best pizzerias in the uk...... well it proves my point; u just can't eat pizza abroad.
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u can find burrata in london? that's impressive! as for the mozzarella di bufala, the real problem is that it has to be eaten within a day (2 day tops)... after 3 days it already tastes completely different (and it starts feeling gummy and dry). and after 5 days it's terrible.
so even if they could fly some bufalina from napoli, it'd have to be put in the pizza by the day.... and that means they should have daily shipments from napoli... wich sounds highly unlikely.

whenever my relatives come here from napoli i ask them to bring me some bufalina. they get it right before taking the plane, so i can eat at least a couple by the end of the day. the rest of it, i eat it the day after.... and after just 1 day it's already nowhere near as good as the day before.
that's the problem with fresh food. it's basically impossible to export.

as for rossopomodoro, yeah, i know them. they opened a pizzeria in palermo last year. they closed after only a few months because the place was always deserted. if that's one of the best pizzerias in the uk...... well it proves my point; u just can't eat pizza abroad.

There are different styles of pizza not all are neopolitan... That's like saying the only good wine is from Umbria
There are different styles of pizza not all are neopolitan... That's like saying the only good wine is from Umbria
there are different styles of pizza? would u mind to elaborate that a little bit? in what do they differ from the original? and where are theese different styles of pizza from, if i may ask? coz that's the first time i hear about them....... unless u're referring to that gummy, sticky, greasy, unhealthy shit they prepare abroad (wich they call "pizza", despite using completely different ingredients and cooking methods).
if that's what u're referring to, yeah, i'm sorry but that isn't "a different style of pizza"... it's just a different "thing". u might even like it, but it still remains a completely different product, made with different ingredients and prepared in a completely different way.

anyway mate, i didn't say good pizza is only to be found in napoli. read again my post. i said u have the best chances to eat a good pizza in napoli, because, since pizza is a napoletana thing, the average quality of the pizzaioli (pizza-makers) is higher there. u can also find great pizza in other italian cities... just not as easily (because in other cities there aren't as many great pizzaioli as in napoli).
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whoa that was unexpected! based on your dramatic overreaction, i assume u prepare pizza for a leaving...
if that's the case, i apologise, i didn't mean to sound disrespectful. infact i'm sure your pizza is just as good as your sense of humour....
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there are different styles of pizza? would u mind to elaborate that a little bit? in what do they differ from the original? and where are theese different styles of pizza from, if i may ask? coz that's the first time i hear about them....... unless u're referring to that gummy, sticky, greasy, unhealthy shit they prepare abroad (wich they call "pizza", despite using completely different ingredients and cooking methods).
if that's what u're referring to, yeah, i'm sorry but that isn't "a different style of pizza"... it's just a different "thing". u might even like it, but it still remains a completely different product, made with different ingredients and prepared in a completely different way.

anyway mate, i didn't say good pizza is only to be found in napoli. read again my post. i said u have the best chances to eat a good pizza in napoli, because, since pizza is a napoletana thing, the average quality of the pizzaioli (pizza-makers) is higher there. u can also find great pizza in other italian cities... just not as easily (because in other cities there aren't as many great pizzaioli as in napoli).

Mate stop getting all technical and sticking your nose is the air , LOL. We have brick oven pizza here in the states some made neopolitan style(buff mozzarella) some with other types of cheese. Are wines not made with different grapes from different regions, yet there still called wine... It's the same concept. amarone vs Barolo but their both considered wine
technical? mate, food is chemistry and craft. it's all about the ingredients u use and the way u work with them. there's no other way to talk about it other than being technical. beside, to be honest, i'm not really being that technical either. what i am saying is that a pizza prepared with different ingredients and with different methods is just not a pizza. it doesn't take a chef to figure that out.

also the comparison with wine makes no sense. the expression "wine" doesn't indicate a specific type of beverage, but a most wide category of alcoholic beverages, whose only common aspect is that they all come from the fermented juice of grapes. that doesn't apply to pizza. u wanna make a comparison wich makes sense? then compare pizza to a specific type of wine. each type of wine (syrah, barolo, bordeaux) comes from a specific kind of grapes and is fermented following certain rules. if u use a different grape or a different method, the end result is not a syrah or a barolo or a bordeaux anymore, but a different type of wine. plain and simple.

and no, they don't use mozzarella di bufala in the states. mozzarella di bufala is a d.o.c. labelled product and is only produced in campania. what u're talking about is buffalo mozzarella, wich is a different product (manifactured in many countries, included usa). and please, before telling me i am being technical, have a byte of mozzarella di bufala, and then tell me if it's the same thing of buffalo mozzarella.

and how would i be sticking my nose in the air exactly? i don't make pizza for a leaving, nor any of my loved ones. and i'm certainly not defending the reputation of italy by commenting on how pizza is prepared abroad. first of, because i couldn't care less about italy's reputation (i know this is a difficult concept to comprehend for many people, but some guys just have no shed of nationalism or patriotism in them). and second, because as much as i like a good pizza, i don't really think it's such an important thing to raise the profile or status of a country. :P

i am simply stating a fact; the word pizza is unappropriately used all over the world to describe very different type of products. and before telling me i'm being an ass, u should at least taste an actual pizza napoletana, don't u think?
i'm 32 and i spent almost half of my life outside italy. i had my fair share of italian pizzas, american pizzas, french pizzas and so on, and i'm basing my opinions on my actual personal experience.

and i'm not even saying every "non napoleatana pizza" is shit either. most are, but there are a few exceptions. in chicago, for instance, they make this amazing pizza, wich is actually very tasty. yet the ingredients and the preparation is completely different, so calling it a pizza is just wrong. infact that chicago pizza is actually much more similar to a sfincione than a pizza. but probably even those who prepare it have no idea of what a sfincione is, so they call it pizza (wich is a more popular and easy to recognize name).

anyway, if u don't believe me, fine. u're coming to italy next year, right? that means u will most likely have a chance to realise if i'm right..... or if i'm just defending the honor of my country over a meal......LOL!:LOL:
I only wanted a Pizza with some black olives on it :CRY:

It is very interesting, I need to get over to Italy. I have only been when I was younger with school and can't really remember it, I only remember Venice because it was amazing, but the rest I am not too sure of (I was 12).
I only wanted a Pizza with some black olives on it :CRY:
u live in israel, right bobby? a friend of mine tells me there's this pizzeria in tel aviv (it's called "philippe" or something like that) where they make one of the best pizza he's ever eaten outside italy.
i'm not sure how reliable my friend's opinion is, but it might be worth a try ;)
u live in israel, right bobby? a friend of mine tells me there's this pizzeria in tel aviv (it's called "philippe" or something like that) where they make one of the best pizza he's ever eaten outside italy.
i'm not sure how reliable my friend's opinion is, but it might be worth a try ;)

Ah sweet, I will track it down and take the mrs there :))

EDIT: Found him! might take the Mrs there this weekend :DD http://philippe.rest-e.co.il/
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Ah sweet, I will track it down and take the mrs there :))

EDIT: Found him! might take the Mrs there this weekend :DD http://philippe.rest-e.co.il/

cool :)) let us know if it was worth it. just don't be "too technical" about it. don't talk about the ingredients or anything remotely related to the cooking.... afterall, u don't wanna turn this into a thread about food, do u! ;)
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cool :)) let us know if it was worth it. just don't be "too technical" about it. don't talk about the ingredients or anything remotely related to the cooking.... afterall, u don't wanna turn this into a thread about food, do u! ;)

the ingredients for pizza consist of dough and cheese, sauce is optional. Whatever those ingredients maybe is up to the cook or chef. I think your view of what pizza is and the world view are two completely different things.
:SS that's a bit harsh, don't u think? so now u feel so strongly about your point that u're even labeling yourself repositary of the world's opinion on pizza? could it be you're overestimating yourself a bit?

look gomito, i have absolutely no intention to argue with you (especially about something so ridiculously meaningless), and i certainly won't. but before i leave u and your "certainties", could u explain to me why u feel this urge to disprove my point?
i merely expressed an opinion based on what i personally experienced (as a matter of fact i did experience both napoletana and foreign pizzas). of course it's just an opinion so there can't be any absolute truth in it and any other man's opinion (i mean any other man who also has actually tried napoletana and foreign pizza) is just as valuable as mine.

now u haven't tried napoletana pizza (so ultimately u don't know whether i'm right or not), and yet it seems paramount to u to confute my opinion. why?

u even said dough is an ingredient of pizza! :CONFUSE: the dough is not an ingredient. an ingredient is a part of a compound. dough is a compound. and it requires ingredients to be made. that kinda shows how much u know on the subject doesn't it?
being an ignorant on a specific subject is no big deal. there are plenty of subject i am absolutely ignorant about. but i don't pretend to lecture or contradict other people on matters i don't know about.

anyway, like i said, i' not gonna argue with u any further on this. so fine, u are right and i am wrong. pizza in italy is pretty much the same thing as it is in any other part of the world. now let's just forget about this and move on, shall we? :))
Had a tesco value cheese and onion slice..... :)

Its only a Tesco value cheese and onion slice if you eat it in the vicinity of Tesco. as soon as you move away from Tesco it doesn't taste the same and I would also dispute that it is a 'slice'. You can only have a slice of something if it is sliced in the district of slicily. It is probably more like a piece or portion.
Its only a Tesco value cheese and onion slice if you eat it in the vicinity of Tesco. as soon as you move away from Tesco it doesn't taste the same and I would also dispute that it is a 'slice'. You can only have a slice of something if it is sliced in the district of slicily. It is probably more like a piece or portion.
Probably more like a pasty than a slice..... but it was good!

Tonight? probably a LIDL Sausage Roll and some crisps. I splash out on Friday's :P
Its only a Tesco value cheese and onion slice if you eat it in the vicinity of Tesco. as soon as you move away from Tesco it doesn't taste the same and I would also dispute that it is a 'slice'. You can only have a slice of something if it is sliced in the district of slicily. It is probably more like a piece or portion.

i guess i had it coming... :COAT:
i hope u choke on those black olives! :P
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