Stomach bugs


1 September 2002
These things are fucking annoying. You feel like absolute shit for over 24 hours, dont feel like eating, keep thinking you're gunna throw up.

I'd like some sympathy please lads! :(
Funny you should mention this i had gut ache yesterday after my tea, i popped out and had to get bad super fast. Good job as well i emptied the entire contents of my body, i lost about two stone i think.
thought i was alone, been throwing up regularly past 3 days.. thankfully things are alright now, stay away from junkies.
I had a touch of the analingus last week but nothing major, thank God it withdrew itself from my insides before things got too serious.
Last one I had about a month ago kept me inside for 5 days lol. Didnt eat a proper meal for a week. The worse bit is when all your insides are out, you body tries making you be sick and you just dry wretch. :lmao:
I've started shitting rusty water tonight i hope i've not fucking got it.

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