Spanish journalist humiliated beggar German

WTF?! What's happening, ? Not quite sure I follow... what is he saying?

F'n Atletico fans! lool

They finally have something to cheer about too after a shitty season I guess!
WTF?! What's happening, ? Not quite sure I follow... what is he saying?

F'n Atletico fans! lool

They finally have something to cheer about too after a shitty season I guess!

a Spanish journalist, makes a direct connection, calls on fans, to donate something to man, and begin to give coins, scarves, mobile, laughs at the jokes journalist, while the homeless man is frightened when the connection going to end, everyone starts to take - to the homeless - all you have given ..

The journalist says phrases like

"At least tonight will be able to watch the game, hot '

sorry for my bad English
Noticed there`s a dog (calm as warm milk) I heard someone threw their visa :P. I don`t think the gentleman on the floor was scared more puzzled. Anyhow it was a cheap PR stunt .
This man is pathetic, Manolo Lama. They are the "Cuatro" journalists, that will go 15 minutes talking about Real MAdrid and Cristiano Ronaldo abdominals every day as part of the news of the channel (really, you should see what crap they do).

But most of all, that's the perfect depiction of many sport journalists of Madrid (journalists from other parts of Spain have never shown such idiotic skills), the kind of people who is Florentino-abducted (they talk of Florentino as if he was a god). The kind of people that should die first if we want to make our society better.

They will LIE to the masses, they will humiliate what they want, they're beyond good and evil. And you don't know how many people follow them an smile at their jokes. I've got angry now...
well it's not like he openly insulted him or laughed at him, but the whole conexiòn shows such a bad taste and disrespect that it doesn't even matter wheter he wanted to humiliate him or not... and his apologies afterwards were even more ridiculous. that's a new low for cuatro.
i just can't understand how such an idiot can be considered as one of spain's best sport journalists. i mean spanish sport journalism is pretty bad, but not this bad.

it would have been great if the beggar would have run away with that credit card.... night at the sheraton hotel, courtesy of an atletico madrid fan. LOL!

edit: the worst part is when he says "at least now u'll be able to watch the match in some place warm". it's pretty evident there's less than 1 euro in that cup... what's he supposed to do with that? that's not even enough to have a coffee, u churlish bastard! there must be more than 10 people around the man (pretending to donate), and they didn't even give him enough to buy him a hot meal. scumbags
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We know what typical Germans are like. :P
So I guess this is Typical Spanish then huh? :D :LOL:
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