

League 2
16 March 2018
Arsenal F.C.
Noticed 4 members in the member list who's currently online, all have similar names (rather provocative, feminine names) and have a birthdate all of late 1996 (and all joined earlier today), I suspect these are spammers.

Maybe look into doing some sort of better verification for the site, like a required profile field or hidden field. Given the nature of the usernames I suspect these are old scripts...
Our software automatically cross-references new users with the database which raises red flags in case of suspicious ip addresses, names and/or mail addresses. If a bot manages to slip through that, though, we also verify every first post by new members by hand. This combination has proven to be pretty reliable to us.

Still, could you pass me those names along? I'd like to see if I can spot a pattern I could put onto our internal blacklist. Cheers!
Whatever these accounts are more appear to be proliferating on the forum.
No posts yet.
I'm pretty relaxed, they'd still have to pass our first-post-approval gate first if there's any intention of spamming this place.
Banned some dozen manually, also seems to have caught up on them now. Should have been a storm in a teacup.
Nice, gmail's 'we don't care about dots in emails' thing being abused by spambots to get past registration blocks. -.-

also, they bypassed somehow, one of them copied the WE7/PES3 thread first post and reposted it, it was locked but I'm not sure if the user was dealt with
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Well, she arrived at Liverpool airport and I asked if I could have my money back.

FYI: We're aware of a recent flood of new bots sending "Hello" messages to several users.
Thanks glad it wasn't just me. Should I delete the message and share the username with you?
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I've already banned a shitload of them, again. If you click on the profile of said bot and the username is crossed out, it's banned.
Update: Think I've banned all of them for today. Please only send reports if the profile username isn't crossed out. This is how a banned profile looks like:

It just says the user's profile is not available. I'm guessing you've sorted that then.
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Another update since we're still getting pounded big time: We've removed the ability to engage in private conversations for users who aren't part of the "verified" user group. Users will be promoted to that pool after having made their first post which always gets verified by us manually. This should effectively stop them from sending those pesky messages.

edit: This counts for new bots which register/ed after the time this was posted.
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sex is nice
she cant belive what 24mm can do
and she needs a teacher
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