Rule update


Executive Janitor
28 February 2002
Darlington FC
We've updated our rules a wee bit.

They're mostly the same but with a bit more clarification here and there.

Firstly in relation to the illegal activities rule. Essentially we don't want any talk of flashing consoles or bans resulting from doing so as well as any hint of dodgy downloads. However subtle the hints are from now on we will take action. Hopefully consistently.

The offensive posting rule has been updated to include a reference to swearing. We try and take the view that it's a "mature" site and messages that are full of nothing but swearing tip the balance too far in the "immature" direction.

Hopefully you can see where we're coming from in trying to maintain a consistent approach. We all just want to have a decent community that is pleasant to be part of.

Please let us know your thoughts or if you have any queries on the updates (there are others but I've listed the main ones).
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