[PES 5 PC] correct flags & team names for Watson v4!

Blanco said:
Joker_Poland, I think there's something wrong with that flag patch.
The national falgs are changed, but the flags for nationality are changed.
For example,
Boussoufa (rsca) his nationality is Morroco but after the patch he's from Ghana... Only the flags for the nations should be changed, not those for nationality.
Yes, I know that mistake...
siemasz!! sluchaj dopiero teraz to zobaczylem :P czemu nie ma fc kopenchagi herbu tylko jest artmedi?? a zawodnicy sa kopenchagi oczywiscie :)
Watson tego nie zauważył i nie zmienił. Kolega Nadieevoweb w swoim temacie zamiescił poprawiony option file z wlasciwym herbem.
Joker a nie dalo by sie zorbic pes5.exe pod nowego superpatcha 4?? bo tamten jest pod oryginala :(
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