Online experiences vs offline


21 April 2003
Having played Pes2010 online and offline for the last week I thought I'd share my views on the game.

Put simply, offline it's a fairly good game but lacks the responsiveness of, say, Pes6. I think it's supposed to be this way...Konami have made it so we can't turn on a sixpence anymore. While this may be closer to reality it does nothing to improve the enjoyment of what is, after all, a computer game! Nor does the lame through ball. So often inaccurate and either lacking weight or ballooned into touch.
When you add this to the button lag during online mode it becomes almost impossible to play. It results in cluttered play with the ball pinging around off player's body parts online mode you have to react when your opposition is 20 yards away- it's ridiculous.
I've all ports open, 16mb con and a PC that kicks arse. Am I missing something here? coz some people on this forum and others seem to be happy with their online experiences thus far!!??
You may think your ports are opened, in actual fact that does not necessarily mean that they are!
I have no problems with lag or button lag online, its the same as offline for me when it comes to the gameplay experience.
Download portchecker, type in UDP 5739 and then click the Check Me button after that.

And tell me what kind of a message do you get in your STATUS!
It says 'your port is open'

Just to correct myself, my connection is 5mb. Still it should be more than enough, when you consider I get flawless gameplay with the likes of Battlefield 2142...
You may think your ports are opened, in actual fact that does not necessarily mean that they are!
I have no problems with lag or button lag online, its the same as offline for me when it comes to the gameplay experience.
Download portchecker, type in UDP 5739 and then click the Check Me button after that.

And tell me what kind of a message do you get in your STATUS!

Hi, most of the time I play Online as Offline but the little program that you linked it says:
Your port is not OPEN or not reachable.

I turned off my firewall (Sygate) but got the same result.
Any ideas?

therose well said about the responsiveness of the game i think pes 2010 has become backyard soccer dribbling ball movement is like pes 6 i will stic to pes 2009
Hi, most of the time I play Online as Offline but the little program that you linked it says:
Your port is not OPEN or not reachable.

I turned off my firewall (Sygate) but got the same result.
Any ideas?

What kind of a router have you got?
If you've got a NETGEAR router I can happily tell you how to open the ports for it.

Usually you have to type in your address bar 192.168.01 and then login to your router settings, set the firewall settings for that UDP port 5739 and then forward it.

If you experience smooth lag-free gaming you may experience button lag without ports being opened.

You need to fully open your ports to play online smoothly.
Check they have guides to help you with the button lag online.

therose well said about the responsiveness of the game i think pes 2010 has become backyard soccer dribbling ball movement is like pes 6 i will stic to pes 2009
No therose obviously is having a technical problem with opening ports, he even posted that in the PESFan forum, I saw his copy and paste post there.:SMUG:

How comes no body else is complaining and only him?
Yes its true that there are responsive issues but that goes for offline as well.
This can easily be fixed by a patch!
By the way, let me remind you even PES 2009 had problems with responsiveness!!! Konami fixed it with the 2nd or 3rd official patch! They'll probably do the same soon for PES 2010.

And then next year you will say PES 2011 has responsiveness issues, I'll stick to PES 2010.:LOL:
Turn Vsync and Frame Skipping off. Make sure both parts play like that. And play vs nearby opponents.
I don't have problems online but I downloaded that port checker
and it says port 5739 is not open or unreachable.

I have a Sky netgear router if anybody wants to walk me through
this procedure. Thanks.
What kind of a router have you got?
If you've got a NETGEAR router I can happily tell you how to open the ports for it.

Usually you have to type in your address bar 192.168.01 and then login to your router settings, set the firewall settings for that UDP port 5739 and then forward it.

If you experience smooth lag-free gaming you may experience button lag without ports being opened.

I live in France and I have what is called a "freebox". I can go on my control panel and have access to all my settings (internet, TV, telephone and so on). No idea what kind of router is. Anyway I went in the settings and I filled this up portcheck.gif wrinting in the left champ 5739 then the next (the last number was given by the program you linked and again 5739. Then saved and I followed their instruction that was to reboot the "freebox".
But the port checker still says port 5739 is not open or unreachable
One question: once that I filled the champs and I re-look at my page the champs must be filled up or again empty? 'Cause they are empty

Thank you
Turn Vsync and Frame Skipping off. Make sure both parts play like that. And play vs nearby opponents.

This seemed to work a little bit - but could be my imagination!

Blaze, I'm sure this isn't a technical problem as I have had one or two games pretty much button lag free. And many people have the same problem as me - in fact there aren't many who have had flawless gameplay like you.
Maybe someone could close various ports to see if this really does affect gameplay. I've managed to open all but two of the ports mentioned on previous threads - can't open the others for some reason. 5739 is open.
It drives me crazy! Feel like it could be really good fun but at the moment I have the sensation of running through treacle!
I live in France and I have what is called a "freebox". I can go on my control panel and have access to all my settings (internet, TV, telephone and so on). No idea what kind of router is. Anyway I went in the settings and I filled this up portcheck.gif wrinting in the left champ 5739 then the next (the last number was given by the program you linked and again 5739. Then saved and I followed their instruction that was to reboot the "freebox".
But the port checker still says port 5739 is not open or unreachable
One question: once that I filled the champs and I re-look at my page the champs must be filled up or again empty? 'Cause they are empty

Thank you

I quote myself: everything fine, ports open ;)
therose I have this same problem like you :/
I come from Poland and I have 5mbit internet so I think that is enough for PES. I have Phenom 3,2GHz Quad and GeForce GTX 260 + 4MB RAM so it is enough for PES. In offline mode games is really fantastic and fast but in online mode I have so big lags 3-4s that I can play free :(
Anyone have solution for this problem??
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