Lost Season 3

Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

These hopes will happen. Yes, it's complicated. Yes, it takes time but you can't say it will never happen. It's not true.
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

I see where you are coming from here but if it was the future then surely Charlie would know who Des was?

Maybe when Des turned the key, a moment of his life flashed before his eyes (The flashback in ep.8). At the moment he saw Charlie in the flashback he remembered him but Charlie didnt have no clue because Des was somehow aloud to relive/re-act this particular moment in his life. I hope you understand that ;)
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

Maybe when Des turned the key, a moment of his life flashed before his eyes (The flashback in ep.8). At the moment he saw Charlie in the flashback he remembered him but Charlie didnt have no clue because Des was somehow aloud to relive/re-act this particular moment in his life. I hope you understand that ;)

You could be onto something here, although maybe it wasn't the future, maybe it was the past that he was re-living\re-acting. That would explain why Charlie didn't know who Des was. Also Charlie was busking, something that someone would do maybe before they become famous, so it would be in the past. Does that make sense?
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

Yup makes sense, some other pointing facts that I noticed are the football game that was playing in the pub looked like an old match, you could sort of tell it wasnt a game that would be played as of now or in the future, also Charlie was playing Wonderwall in the street that also is a thing of the past so maybe these 3 points including yours proove that Des' flashback was in the past and not in the future :)
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

Of course Des's flashbacks were from the past that was never in doubt surly its how he can see the future events that pose questions.
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

The new episode is a fucking joke.
Its supposed to answer 3 questions and unless i missed something it doeant answer anything serious and the stuff it covers in the episode we already know.
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)


I don't thing the freakshow scene is not important and it brings interesting answers. Now the new big questions is : why are they acting like everything is fine/normal ? Is Jack going to change too ?

So, now we're back on the island, and maybe Sawyer and Kate will send an expedition to the Others village or one of the 2 suspicious areas (Alert zone and Black Rock).

I'd love to know what you mean with "stuff we already know".
It was slow, but not a joke. It, finally, closes the "small island" part.

But it's true, we expected more. It's not as big as last week's. But it won't till all the characters are back together.
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

Well we know most ppl on the island were raised there and they know nothing of the outside world. snatching kids etc.
Thats why nothing is strange for them.

The second island is a medical healing and experimenting facility we had figured that out.
We know they live in a village in the middle of the main island we have seen it from the sky. We have even seen inside one of the houses.

But if you ask anyone about Lost they aren't gonna say "well the biggest question i have is where the Others live".
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

I don't think you can say "most ppl on the island were raised". How can you be so sure ?

I think you're trying to focus on what you want to know and not how the survivors manage to get informations. You want more, that's normal. But there's a lot of things nobody knows besides viewers.

For example : the village. It was shocking for us in the 1st episode but the survivors didn't know that. And they needed this information. Now they can try to find this place. Wich means action !

The story is still interesting but taking 9 episodes was the only and big mistake.
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

I hope the writers soon stop this 1 episode focus on Jack, another episode focus on Des, another episode focus on Locke. It is alot better when more characters are involved like in series 1 and 2.
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

Your right the story is interesting but they still didn't tell us 3 secrets we didn't know, maybe jack etc didn't know but we did.

The problem that Lost has now with so many lose ends noone can start watching the show now or will be bothered too,
So as ppl start losing interest ratings will just continue to fall.
They really need to start to tie things together.
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Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

To me, it's like a soap now. It's not "what the fuck are we doing in the middle of nowhere with no means of escaping and these Others doing experiments on us", it's "oh my God, when I was 21 I was going out with this guy, and I cheated on him, and he was like 'you bitch' and we split up, and I really missed him, and then I saw this boat, and it had something written on the side, and when I got home and read one of his loveletters to me, it had that written on the top, and then I wanted a sandwich with mayo but the mayo was gone, but I swear it was there yesterday, and then when my mom found out I cheated on my ex she never spoke to me again and I had to fend for myself", end of episode.

We're watching Lost for Lost, not as an alternative to fucking Eastenders. The writers have lost a lot of viewers, and I don't know if they'll ever get around to explaining anything. In ten year's time it will be on one of those New Year's Eve TV programs with someone saying "it went on for five years before the audience turned off, and they didn't answer anything, how weird is that?!".
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

Well the first thing i would ask the others would be "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT BLACK CLOUD THING THAT LIKES TO KILL PPL".
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

The next series of 24 should be Bauer going undercover to the Island. He'd have the whole thing wrapped up in an hour.




"I'm uploading them to your PDA now."

Hilarity ensues etc..
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

You can berate people for lack of patience, but the bottom line is that a compelling plot needs to have constant motion. And instead you gave us Sawyer and Kate fucking in a bear cage for three episodes.


Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

I personally believe the writers have no idea about the whole picture of the show. They just come up with ideas, which they figure one day they'll tie in.

I mean, an entire episode abotu a tatoo? Jack havign to once again help Ben? Come on people, it's utter rubbish.
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

I have no doubt that the writers know how its gonna end, its how they are going to get their that seems to be hard work
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

Its another from the Creators mouth "a must see episode you wont want to miss"
And they fix a fucking car which if you saw the trailer you knew.
Sawyers Sarcasm is the best thing at the moment.
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)


Jin and Sawyer back to business. I love this association.
The episode has a season 1 savour (made me laugh a lot). Flashbacks were cool too.
Nothing to say but IT'S STARTING !!! :mrgreen:

Don't look at the trailers, it SPOILS a LOT !! :(
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Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

WTF...what was that all about?

I can't believe how bad Lost has gone - it's becoming a bloody soap :(

Tough guys showing their sensitivity, the slow motion walks, the corny music in the background and the crappy sentimental flashback - where are my Tampons when I need em?! :roll:

Yet, I still don't understand why I watch this crap :(
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

Its a classic example of how they could easily speed up things and start explaining what its all about.

Surly they know the Lost experience is not far from being Lost.

They could have easily cut out this episode or added what little we needed to know to another episode.

When the Asteroid or Meteor hit the restaurant i was thinking OK that is just dumb and over the top.
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

Im happy they focused on a number of characters and not just focus on one. The episode had a pointless story to it, why not tell us some more on Libby. But at least the edning was promising
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

OK what happened in that episode? They fixed a car...

Its becoming like Friends when each week you get a different story. Seriously where has the Lost from season 1 gone. They're not answering anything and its just ridiculously building up into millions of unanswered questions. I'm not surprised theyre losing viewers.
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

what do u mean? that episode was brilliant. if u want all action and suspence in every single episode go watch the predictable 24. lost is for people who want to watch a series where things are not so linear.
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)


I hope Noted watched yesterday's episode. That was very interesting and I'm glad about the end. Let's focus on the Others now.
Re: Lost Season 3 - (Discussion Only / No Spoilers)

I agree that the episode was decent and, as denirobob says, possibly back to its best. But, I think that is actually the problem. It's difficult to constantly be on the edge with the same setting over three, let alone six, seasons - regardless of how good the episodes are.

With 24 at least, there is a different setting which is (usually) unrelated to the previous day. I just wish they end the show this season with something dramatic so it'll be fondly remembered rather than what it is becoming now :(
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