Fear of flying

Absolutely hate flying because I just get bored shitless and find it so hard to sleep or rest. I usually fly between 5-10 times a year due to my family being all over the place and have been flying this often for at least the last 10 years of my life.... flying is safe and fine. Technology has created autopiloting which makes flying accurate and easier for pilots. Crashes that do happen seem super major due to them being infrequent and often due to strange causes. But other than that, there is no reason to be worried. There are over 500 flights a day... which means thousands in a month. So if you think about it its like 1 accident out of thousands (millions?) of flights a year.

I just flew to Toronto last week and will be flying to London, Milan, London, Nice, London, Bangkok and London (in this order) in the next few weeks. If anything, I should be shitting myself rather than you!

Just think of the holiday like Bobby said and just imagine it as a coach ride!
I hate the take off but the rest of it I'm ok with.

Once that seatbelt light goes off my holiday starts.

But the take off is the most scary thing all that weight trying to get off the ground, and if something goes wrong no time to rectify it. :THINK:
Yeah it's really quite safe. Things like this very rarely happen.

Well I've flown loads of times, and had two landings aborted and a runway skid, and none of that compares to the carnage I've seen driving round our lovely over crowded roads...

Give me severe turbulence any day... :SNACK: :D

I'm flying to Egypt on the 25th and as long as I'm calm and not flustered or panicky etc before the flight, i.e. in the airport and on the way to the airport, then I'll be fine on the flight. I enjoy looking at the views out the window.
Still scared shitless....Here's to my old pal in darkened times; DRUGS
in the time it took me to write this comment, about 10-20 planes landed safly :D
I love flying... when I was in Chicago planes were zooming above my house every 3 minutes or so
statisticly a crash happens in 1 of 100 000 000 (100 million !!) flights
nothing to worry mate, flying is great
He then still has a 99 in 100 chance of making it Jay, makes it more reliable then a condom!

Although it depends on who you are flying with, Air France has about a 1 in 10 chance of crashing these days.
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