Editing FIFA 14 Xbox 360 (DATA BASE)


8 January 2013
Hello guys, I need some help from you, I'm currently playing FIFA 14, only on Xbox 360, and would like to make some edits, so I wonder if it is possible to edit the DATA BASE FIFA 14 Xbox 360? the files of the Xbox 360 and PC are the same just a difference in your compression, the PC uses (Chunkzip2), the Xbox 360 uses (chunklzx) could decompress the files by the Sricpt QuickBMS, but when trying to open the data base Xbox 360 by DB Master is giving error, can someone tell me some other form for editing the data base (XBOX 360)? or it could fix the DB Master to open the data base Xbox 360? I'll send the files in the link below really need help.

Hello guys, I need some help from you, I'm currently playing FIFA 14, only on Xbox 360, and would like to make some edits, so I wonder if it is possible to edit the DATA BASE FIFA 14 Xbox 360? the files of the Xbox 360 and PC are the same just a difference in your compression, the PC uses (Chunkzip2), the Xbox 360 uses (chunklzx) could decompress the files by the Sricpt QuickBMS, but when trying to open the data base Xbox 360 by DB Master is giving error, can someone tell me some other form for editing the data base (XBOX 360)? or it could fix the DB Master to open the data base Xbox 360? I'll send the files in the link below really need help.


Alguem ja conseguiu trocar os kits do fifa14 xbox360?

Has anyone managed to swap kits fifa14 xbox360?
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Olá amigos...
estou com um grande problema,
gostaria de editar o conteudo dos kits para o fifa 14,
porem me deparei com uma situaçao a qual nao consigo resolver.
eu consegui acessar e estrair os arquivos .rx3 dos kits normalmente,
porem agora percebo que o arquivo (kit_1463_0_0.rx3)
do xbox360 tem aproximadamente 135kb,
enquanto o do PC tem aproximadamente 1,77Mb, isso me leva a crer
que existe uma compactação nos arquivos do xbox, que deveria ser identicos pois sao
arquivos desenvolvido para a microsoft, dona do xbox.
Sendo assim creio que se eu conseguir descompactar o arquivo do xbox posso
altera-lo do mesmo modo que altera-se os de PC.
a COMPACTAÇÃO do PC parece que se chama (Chunkzip2)
e a do xbox chama-se (chunklzx),ou seja ou preciso descompactar os arquivos de xbox para
edita-los e depois compacta-los novamente para reinceri-los na pasta .BIG de origem,
gente desculpe a minha ignorancia, mais sou
leigo nessa coisa de compactar arquivos, entao se alguem poder me socorrer,
eu fiqueria extremamente agradecido!

Hola amigos ...
Tengo un gran problema,
le gustaría editar el contenido de los kits para el fifa 14
Sin embargo, me encontré con una situación que no puedo resolver.
yo podría tener acceso a los archivos y estral . kits Rx3 normalmente
Sin embargo ahora se dan cuenta de que el archivo ( kit_1463_0_0.rx3 )
*la xbox360 es de aproximadamente 135kb ,
mientras que el PC es de aproximadamente 1,77 Mb, esto me lleva a creer
que hay una compresión de los archivos de la xbox , debe ser idéntico al igual que
archivos desarrollados para el propietario xbox microsoft .
Así que creo que si puedo descomprimir la lata xbox
cambia de la misma manera altera el PC.
COMPACTACION el PC parece que se llama ( Chunkzip2 )
y la xbox se llama ( chunklzx ) es decir, o la necesidad de descomprimir los archivos para xbox
editarlos y luego compactar de nuevo para reinceri en la carpeta . fuente BIG ,
*Nos excusamos mi ignorancia, yo soy más
poner esta cosa para comprimir archivos , así que si alguien me podría ayudar ;
Me fiqueria muy agradecido!

Hello friends ...
I have a big problem ,
would like to edit the contents of the kits for fifa 14
however I came across a situation which I can not solve.
I could access the files and estrous . rx3 kits normally
however now realize that ( kit_1463_0_0.rx3 ) file
*the xbox360 is about 135kb ,
while the PC is approximately 1.77 Mb , this leads me to believe
that there is a compression in the archives of the xbox , it should be identical as are
files developed for the microsoft xbox owner .
So I think if I can unzip the xbox can
it changes the same way alters the PC .
COMPACTION the PC seems it's called ( Chunkzip2 )
and the xbox is called ( chunklzx ) ie or need to unzip the files to xbox
edit them and then compact them again to reinceri them in the folder . BIG source ,
*We excuse my ignorance , I am more
lay this thing to compress files , so if someone could help me;
I fiqueria extremely grateful !

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