Close Control is crucial

The pad design has been the same in principle since the PS1. The L2 and R2 triggers have changed but I don't see how they'd make things more difficult?

Wow, you're right. Dunno why but I was thinking there used to be only two top buttons rather than four. My memory is a bit, um, hazy during many of those years. Just don't remember ever needing both buttons covered simultaneously before.

I've noticed that the game appears to run better on the 360 and though id been hesitating to do so, I think I might runout this weekend and pick it up to see if the 360 controller is better suited for this.

(Also, i have a specific issue with slight nerve damage in my right arm/shoulder that the smaller sized ps3 controller seems to exasperate more than the 360 controller. Really hope that the next Sony console has larger controllers!)
Wow, you're right. Dunno why but I was thinking there used to be only two top buttons rather than four. My memory is a bit, um, hazy during many of those years. Just don't remember ever needing both buttons covered simultaneously before.

I've noticed that the game appears to run better on the 360 and though id been hesitating to do so, I think I might runout this weekend and pick it up to see if the 360 controller is better suited for this.

(Also, i have a specific issue with slight nerve damage in my right arm/shoulder that the smaller sized ps3 controller seems to exasperate more than the 360 controller. Really hope that the next Sony console has larger controllers!)

Maybe because the ps2 controller didn't have a soft trigger so it was easier (at least for me) to press both shoulder buttons at the same time.
Yes, any experts sharing dribbling techniques will be highly appreciated! :)

I saw some people pull off some last minute tight turns and have no clue how they did it ..

Sorry Krissy, I didn't hear (read) a single word you said (wrote)...

...because I was too busy staring at your Profile Picture...!
Anyone else having any more success with what I mentioned in the first post? Personally I am loving it, so effective in many different situations such as getting away from and holding off defenders, dribbling and sharp turns are also much more enjoyable. The ball doesn't bounce off my players like they are made of concrete anymore.
Anyone else having any more success with what I mentioned in the first post? Personally I am loving it, so effective in many different situations such as getting away from and holding off defenders, dribbling and sharp turns are also much more enjoyable. The ball doesn't bounce off my players like they are made of concrete anymore.

What do you use?
R1 as the ball is played into you, R2 to dribble, L2 ?? what and in which situations?
What do you use?
R1 as the ball is played into you, R2 to dribble, L2 ?? what and in which situations?

On xbox, I set sprint to RT and close control RB. I use it in every situation. When a ball is played over the top if you hold RB the player will curve his run slightly and control the ball. I use it for controlling ground passes. One of the most effective uses for this is holding off defenders when dribbling, it helps you build momentum and with short taps of the sprint button you will be taking the piss out of defenders. If you use it with subtle movements of the analog magical things will happen.
On xbox, I set sprint to RT and close control RB. I use it in every situation. When a ball is played over the top if you hold RB the player will curve his run slightly and control the ball. I use it for controlling ground passes. One of the most effective uses for this is holding off defenders when dribbling, it helps you build momentum and with short taps of the sprint button you will be taking the piss out of defenders. If you use it with subtle movements of the analog magical things will happen.

Cheers fella, must admit one of my biggest gripes at the moment playing with crappy players in my ML team is the fact that CPU players always bully you off the ball, and dispossess you, I havent really tinkered with the close control method, and I play on PS3, with the Sprint Button on R1 (RB) so assume by logic close control would be R2 (RT).
Will give it a bash tonight and see what difference it makes.

just a query on where you say use RB for over the top balls, do you play the lofted through ball then hold RB and run on to the ball or do you use the sprint button too as id assume you would need to sprint to beat the defender to the ball?
Cheers fella, must admit one of my biggest gripes at the moment playing with crappy players in my ML team is the fact that CPU players always bully you off the ball, and dispossess you, I havent really tinkered with the close control method, and I play on PS3, with the Sprint Button on R1 (RB) so assume by logic close control would be R2 (RT).
Will give it a bash tonight and see what difference it makes.

just a query on where you say use RB for over the top balls, do you play the lofted through ball then hold RB and run on to the ball or do you use the sprint button too as id assume you would need to sprint to beat the defender to the ball?

I sometimes play lofted through ball or manual long ball, how much you sprint or use Close control depends on the player and of course the ball that is being played. I try to position my player and when the ball is within 5-10 yards hold close control button so the player is positioned and ready to control the ball, using a combination of sprint and close control is very effective. Hard to explain mate just something something you have to mess about with, once you get used to it you will know when to use it.
I thought RT was "sideways dribble" rather than close control - using the left stick alone seems to control the ball better than using RT in my experience, might try it out again next time I'm on.
I thought RT was "sideways dribble" rather than close control - using the left stick alone seems to control the ball better than using RT in my experience, might try it out again next time I'm on.

Its used for a number of functions, sideways dribble is performed when you use this and move the LS up and down. I also use the analog mostly to control the ball but close control is good when under pressure.
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PES 2011 Discussion Thread

What the hell is that meant to mean?

I happen to find the opening comment quite valuable, but had it been in the thread that you linked to, then I would never had seen it, as there is no way am I sitting sifting through 16'000 units of pish.
My only gripe is when comparing R2 and L2, which one is better for close dribbling in which circumstances? L2 seems to provide greater variety and increases the likelihood that you'll create space from a defender whilst R2 seems to increase your chances of retaining possession. Seriously, what exactly are the differences (I'm talking just about for dribbling, not L2's use for feints.)?

Really wish they'd just combine the two buttons.

Don't like L2 (or when it used to be
l1). It actually feels a bit too close and limiting, slows you down too much. R2 has always provided me with the greater variety and freedom in pretty much any situation.
I've forgotten which version encouraged more R2 use for me, it was a late PS2 one, possibly a patched J League or Final Evolution.

For me, in PES 2011, R2 doesn't work the same as it did previously.

I found R2 was the be-all-and-end-all[/I ]close control in earlier games. Whereas i will get dispossessed more often using it now.


Now i believe it's best reserved for the drag-backs, the shielding and bringing the ball under control, but now, L2 alone, without trick use is the button used to turn inside defenders or step away from a challenge.

Personally i like it this way because of how the occasional trick is now at your finger-tips also.


L2 alone as a close-control dribble influences the animations of the opposition players, you'll see them more prone to miss a block tackle and draw a foul. It will also prompt some "canned" animations on occassion from your own player, automatic feints and switches to keep possession.


Maybe R2 control matches up against an opponent for example who uses R2 jockeying as a defender, i don't know at the moment but i don't find it the dribble of choice to beat a player anymore.


All, in, i like the system, it encourages me to dribble at varying speeds and use a bit of finger dexterity while playing heh.

It was Pes 6 when seabass declared it to be the most important button in the game; that was when I really started using it, and since then I've never looked back.
Yes, any experts sharing dribbling techniques will be highly appreciated! :)

I saw some people pull off some last minute tight turns and have no clue how they did it ..

Sorr for the multiple posts, but I haven't been on here in ages and I'm in a posting frenzy!

Sometimes all you need is to quickly move the left stick (d-pad dribbling was brought in in PES 2009) to jink and drop your shoulder or change direction, especially with the good dribblers and the players with high technique. Then use R2 when necessary to bring the ball under control and do some more close control. a I said L2 for me slows you down too much and loses momentum.
There must be something wrong with my way of playing...I seem to use a lot of times L1 when dribling or to get a more precise control of the player. When you use L1 and left stick up or down the feint is way more controlled and precise, not the huge overated sideways dribble.

I tend to only use R2 sometimes but it does seem to have an effect that I can't really explain on the players.

I really liked to see explained by Konami or someone who is more in depth with the game the real functionalities of the triggers. Btw I never seem to use L2 for dribbling and even some can get good result with it.

Is this some sort of confusion of controller changes? I always play with the default assigned controls with the running in R1 and the cursor change with L1.

Someone can explain with more detail the real functions of the triggers...especially in PS3.
R2 is pressure sensitive, so little taps of the trigger will allow you to make quick changes of direction at the expense of speed, but with greater fine control. I've only really used L2 for manual passing and the 'chop' move that Crynaldo uses.
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The amount of ways you can control the ball with just a deft touch of the analog is stunning in this game, I hope konami don't dumb this down next year after people complaining about the ball bouncing off players etc which only happens when you don't control the ball properly. Still find it tough to get used to not holding sprint in certain situations.
Could you elaborate on this? I think I know what you mean but I'm not sure exactly.

In previous PES games holding sprint didn't affect control that much so I still find my finger naturally goes to sprint when I should use RT(close control) if that makes sense? Just old habits mate.
I'm pretty sure R1, especially in PES5/WE9LE, was timing sensitive. I think it's the same way in 2011 because you can get different touches onto the ball by holding R1 down or tapping it. The way 2011 changes the game speed during different times of the match throws me off though, because sometimes you can't even use R1 to control the ball, but R2 works.
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I'm pretty sure R1, especially in PES5/WE9LE, was timing sensitive. I think it's the same way in 2011 because you can get different touches onto the ball by holding R1 down or tapping it. The way 2011 changes the game speed during different times of the match throws me off though, because sometimes you can't even use R1 to control the ball, but R2 works.

I've noticed that you can get some fluid turns on the ball when receiving a pass by holding the sprint button while the ball is coming to you. Would these be the same turns if you did it with special control button or just the left stick. I don't know im doing it right or if it's a placebo but it sure looks good...especially if you can let the ball run and skin the defender ;)
What is the ronaldo chop in pes 2011?
I prefered the pes 2010 style of dribbling, I don' t like to make strange combo with L2 and the sticks.
I have binded my preferred 4 feints with L1 + right stick 4 directions and I tend to never use L2 to make all the other feints (just sometimes the sidestep, the roulette and the step over because they are easy).
All the other feints I' can' t use, i just put 4 of them in the L1+right stick bind and that' s it.

Can you do the flip flap/elastico in the "normal" way? for me it' s impossible.
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