British Culture: Scotland's Youngest Grandfather

i agree. i dont understand the harshness in this thread... this shit happens everywhere... even in the richest parts of london(well maybe not a grandfather being so young, but certainly young people having babies is not a socialistic disease that only happens to the poor)

Not sure how it is in the States or Belgium but over here having a kid in your teens is a career choice for a lot of girls, free house, free support... That's why most people are fed up with these kind of life long welfare families.
And I kid you not on the 'career' choice thing, when they checked up all the career choice surveys asked in schools for girls it was one of the top answers...
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Oh and Foxtrot, if that granddad would have worn a Rangers top, i don't think you would have posted the link...

I was actually going to mention that. Mind you the grandad, dad and grandchild will be pissing themselves laughing tonight anyway. :LOL:

Placebo, i think you are sounding terribly patronizing. I see you live in Sweden now, do you think that couldn't happen in Sweden...besides nowadays' Sweden is far from the social heaven it used to be.
And if i remember well you used to live in Eastern Europe and Asia too, not exactly social heavens if you ask me, more like dog eat dog societies (i know Asia pretty well).
I don't want to idealize the UK and i know that the class difference is much bigger than in continental Europe, but there are worse places to live than in the UK.

Oh don't be such a tart!

I lived in Mnisek Pod Brdy in the Czech Republic, a significantly nicer place to live than Grimsby in the NE of England where I was born and lived for 32 years, I lived in Singapore, a significantly nicer place to live than Grimsby in the NE of England where I was born and lived for 32 years, I live in Uppsala, Sweden now, a significantly nicer place to live than Grimsby in the NE of England where I was born and lived for 32 years, I think I'm more than qualified to share my opinion that England is a shithole and I'm glad I left it and hope I never go back, you know it's not always necessary for you to stick your nose into other people's opinions.
Yeah I want to leave the UK... As a society it's bankrupt. On the one hand it's caught between the decadent corporate capitalism of places like the USA, United Arab Emirates, etc. And on the other hand it fails to provide the socialistic ideals of say the GDR or Yugoslavia.

Taxes in the UK are huge, eduction is no longer subsidised, public transport is hopeless yet travelling by car is too expensive. The net effect is your average university graduate starts working, has to pay off a giant loan, is taxed to the hilt and can't afford to by a house. And now job security is ebbing away... If the UK followed the US model of low taxes but high affordability then at least people would be able to afford things. If it followed the GDR / Yugoslavian economic model then at least state made items would be cheap and everyone would have a job. As it is the UK is caught in the middle with no direction and a society that is under meltdown. The knife gangs of places like south London are on a par with street gangs in cities like LA, Guatemala City or Bogota.

It's not a nice place to live and you can understand why something like 200,000 leave each year.
I think the only people who think England is a nice place to live are those looking in from the outside (that and a few middle class people living in small self-contained villages).
I think the only people who think England is a nice place to live are those looking in from the outside (that and a few middle class people living in small self-contained villages).

I like England/Britain and I live in Hackney in London - Which is a shit hole. :DD

Alot of people are shit heads though - but you get that in alot of countries. The knife crime is worrying but there were alot of knifings in the 70's etc when my parents were young, Its just that it is reported more these days.

The one thing that is the worst - especially living in London are the Young kids that have no respect for anybody. It is a major problem and is disgusting!!
Sad story, but just like gomito i think you people are way too harsh.
Professionally i see quite a lot of people who come from a similar background and quite a few of them are doing well in their later lives...

Placebo, i think you are sounding terribly patronizing. I see you live in Sweden now, do you think that couldn't happen in Sweden...besides nowadays' Sweden is far from the social heaven it used to be.
And if i remember well you used to live in Eastern Europe and Asia too, not exactly social heavens if you ask me, more like dog eat dog societies (i know Asia pretty well).
I don't want to idealize the UK and i know that the class difference is much bigger than in continental Europe, but there are worse places to live than in the UK.

Oh and Foxtrot, if that granddad would have worn a Rangers top, i don't think you would have posted the link...

Perhaps not gerd... but then I support Rangers, the club you hilariously claimed were founded out of "bigotry reasons" :LIE:
I had a job in the USA for 3 years and I would love to live outside of the UK again. Seriously decent people are a defeated class in todays UK. Try googling the name Theodore Dalrymple - he is a retired Doctor and really has written some brillant esaays on modern Britain in all "our" glory.

Here are some of his best quotes!

* "Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."

* "All the things that men desire are not compatible, and therefore discontent is the lot of Man; as Rasselas’s sister, Nekayah, puts it: “No man can, at the same time, fill his cup from the source and from the mouth of the Nile.” A man who understands this will not as a result cease to experience incompatible desires—for example, those for security and excitement—but he will be less embittered that he cannot have everything he wants. An understanding of the imperfectibility of life is necessary for both happiness and virtue."

* "When exactly did this downward cultural spiral begin, this loss of tact and refinement and understanding that some things should not be said or directly represented? When did we no longer appreciate that to dignify certain modes of behavior, manners, and ways of being with artistic representation was implicitly to glorify and promote them? There is, as Adam Smith said, a deal of ruin in a nation: and this truth applies as much to a nation's culture as to its economy. The work of cultural destruction, while often swifter, easier, and more self-conscious than that of construction, is not the work of a moment. Rome wasn't destroyed in a day."

* "He describes one murder as "a parking lot stick-up gone bad". What is a parking lot stick-up that goes well, then? Is it a man being relieved of his property without being killed, merely frightened out of his wits? When lawyers think like gangsters, using virtually the same language (more than one murderer has told me that it wasn't murder because it was only a robbery that went wrong), the outlook for society is not encouraging."

"The combination of relativism and antipathy to traditional culture has played a large part in creating the underclass, thus turning Britain from a class into a caste society. The poorest people were deprived both of a sense of cultural hierarchy and of the moral imperative to conform their conduct to any standard whatever. Henceforth what they had and what they did was as good as anything, because all cultures and all cultural artifacts are equal. Aspiration was therefore pointless: and thus they have been as immobilized in their poverty - material, mental, and spiritual - as completely as the damned in Dante's Inferno. Essay, "Uncouth Chic", in "Life at the Bottom: The Worldview That Makes The Underclass", (Ivan R. Dee, Chicago, 2001.)

I think that last quote is really on the money.
British "education"

Theodore Dalrymple
Grading on a Curse
British students get marks for obscenity.
11 July 2008

The head examiner of a British school-examination board, Peter Buckroyd, whose examinations are taken by 780,000 children, recently explained to teachers why a pupil who answered the question, “Describe the room you’re in,” with “Fuck off”—an actual case, apparently—should receive a grade of 7.5 percent rather than a grade of zero. Indeed, Buckroyd went so far as to say that “it would be wicked to give it zero because it does show some very basic skills we are looking for.”

First, the candidate had spelled the two words correctly, said the chief examiner, which showed some grasp of English orthography; and second, he had strung two words together correctly, which showed some grasp of grammatical structure and an ability to convey meaning. Had the words come with an exclamation mark, moreover, the candidate should have received a grade of 11 percent, because he would have shown some grasp of punctuation.

“We’re looking for positives,” explained another examiner, who was presumably desperate to avoid provoking low self-esteem among his examinees. Buckroyd added that, after all, the candidate was “better than someone who doesn’t write anything at all.”

Had the pupil written “Fuck off, you bastard!” he would presumably have received 22 percent, which these days is almost certainly a passing grade with distinction. Unfortunately, my knowledge of English expletives is not sufficiently extensive to compose a sentence that would have attracted marks of 100 percent, and such a sentence, in any case, would not be publishable here.
I want to live in Australia

The wife and I spent last January in Australia with the purpose of checking it out to see if we wanted to live there (I'd already been offered a job), we weren't impressed at all, didn't offer the lifestyle we like, so we instead moved to Singapore the following month :)
Placebo I guess that Singapore isn't full of kids that can only write "fuck off" in their exams - unlike many in England!
No the kids in Singapore are clean, polite, dedicated to their education, respectful, they're like kids in England were about 40-50 years ago. But then even in the Czech Republic where it's far less socially advanced than somewhere like Singapore/Sweden the kids are massively superior creatures than the scum that walk the face of England, in CZ they would hang out on street corners having a beer or a smoke with their friends and such, but they're quiet, respectful, not menacing, if you're walking down the street and they're standing in your way 99% of the time they step aside, there's no fear factor that puts you on edge like in England, etc. etc.
you know it's not always necessary for you to stick your nose into other people's opinions.

OK...let's close down this forum, the internet, free press, free speech and every form of debate.
Maybe it's not necessary to stick my nose in your opinions, but that will not prevent me to do so.
If you don't like it, that's not my problem.
No hard feelings.
I'm a sad litle drama queen because i had the "audacity" to have another opinion than you...if that's being a sad litle drama queen, then i'm glad to be that.

Since we are playing shrink for each other, let me analyze you...

Your drama is that, judged by your postings, you are perhaps the most "Brittish" member of this community.
As a matter of fact, you are the stereotype of Brittishness like it is portrayed in sitcoms like Fawlty Towers...the archetypical Basil Fawlty.

You can run away from Great Brittain across the world, but unfortunately for you and for us you can't run away from yourself...

I'm sure you will try to find a very witty answer, because Placebo the conqueror has to win every argument...rule Placebo...but as of now you have the honour to be on my ignore list.

Have a good life in your 1950's Brittish cocoon across the world, but don't bother me with it...
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I'm English not British :) Pointless to argue with someone who forms their knowledge of the world from 70s sitcoms.......
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I'm very much of the opinion that this country is a dump. It will be interesting to see if (when) the Conservatives get in whether or nor things will improve. If not, I'm getting out. No qualms there - been planning if for 4 years.

But not Australia! Things would have to get very bad to entertain moving there!
When I'm done my degree and a few years of work in Europe, I'd love to live in Southeast Asia as an expat. Expat life here in Bangkok is great, and the culture is more laid back. Before I lived in Hong Kong, its expensive, but also there, life is better for expats. All this is my opinion of course. I'd also one day want to live in Japan. I've always admired Japanese culture and Japan. Europe is getting much too congested and tied up with politics and economics these days that its almost becoming depressing imo.
I think he seeks a deeper kind of discussion at times, which is hardly ever accepted round here. Gets a lot of anger or strife in reaction from the more defensive folk for what in my opinion is not deserved.
You may think he seeks a deeper discussion, but what he really does is says, "if you disagree with me you're wrong."
I think he seeks a deeper kind of discussion at times, which is hardly ever accepted round here. Gets a lot of anger or strife in reaction from the more defensive folk for what in my opinion is not deserved.

I think he seeks a place where he can patronise, condescend, troll and abuse, and then when he gets someone pulling him up for shit he whines like someone 3/5 his age.

I posted opinions in this thread based on my actual life experience, he posted opinions based on a vastly overrated 70s sitcom, think that says it all.
Yeah I want to leave the UK... As a society it's bankrupt. On the one hand it's caught between the decadent corporate capitalism of places like the USA, United Arab Emirates, etc. And on the other hand it fails to provide the socialistic ideals of say the GDR or Yugoslavia.

Taxes in the UK are huge, eduction is no longer subsidised, public transport is hopeless yet travelling by car is too expensive. The net effect is your average university graduate starts working, has to pay off a giant loan, is taxed to the hilt and can't afford to by a house. And now job security is ebbing away... If the UK followed the US model of low taxes but high affordability then at least people would be able to afford things. If it followed the GDR / Yugoslavian economic model then at least state made items would be cheap and everyone would have a job. As it is the UK is caught in the middle with no direction and a society that is under meltdown. The knife gangs of places like south London are on a par with street gangs in cities like LA, Guatemala City or Bogota.

It's not a nice place to live and you can understand why something like 200,000 leave each year.
ok, well i have never lived in the UK(comparing london gangs to gangs in bogota and quatelma or even la is a stretch, maybe recently they have gotten worse, but lets see how it is in 10 years). Maybe certain areas are bad off, but nothing like the poverty and lawlessness that takes place in these countries. I cant even remeber the last time england was involved in a civil war... or ruled by thugs and drug dealers. Obviously placebo has lived in some nice places, so i think his perspective is quite different from people who perceive the UK as a nice place. From what i know sweeden and singapore have a very high standard of living, but there also tiny tiny countries(new york city in fact is larger then both of these countries combined)And they are both essentially cash cows with both having very high GDP's. So i can imagine why placebo thinks UK is a shithole compared to sweeden and singapore, LOL. It makes sense it terms of quality of life. But its all relative, cause obviously england would be heaven to anyone comming from darfur or north korea. I really think this is the point gerd is making, everyone on here who lives in these developed first world nations should be lucky and thankfull for what you have, cause it could be a lot fucking worse my friends. And if you put it all in perspective, england is not that bad.... i think this is what gerd is trying to say, also one other thing, everyone on here should consider themselves lucky as well to be able to leave there so called "shitholes" and live where they choose. Not everyone on this planet has that choice....
I think he seeks a place where he can patronise, condescend, troll and abuse, and then when he gets someone pulling him up for shit he whines like someone 3/5 his age.

I posted opinions in this thread based on my actual life experience, he posted opinions based on a vastly overrated 70s sitcom, think that says it all.

ahh cmon placebo, why you have to be so harsh...
Not sure how it is in the States or Belgium but over here having a kid in your teens is a career choice for a lot of girls, free house, free support... That's why most people are fed up with these kind of life long welfare families.
And I kid you not on the 'career' choice thing, when they checked up all the career choice surveys asked in schools for girls it was one of the top answers...

yeah but mate, that happens here too, but even I know its not everyone, thre are abusers of the system, and people who truly benefit from the system. its a double edge sword, unfortunatley. Here though in certain states young people are left on there own with babies(no welfare), and you know what happens, more crime, more addiction, less educated people, and fucked up children. There has to be a medium, i think the answer is more sex education and less welfare, how is sex education handled in the UK? Is birth control free? Are condoms made available in the schools? I wish both of these things would happen in the states...
Obviously placebo has lived in some nice places, so i think his perspective is quite different from people who perceive the UK as a nice place. From what i know sweeden and singapore have a very high standard of living, but there also tiny tiny countries(new york city in fact is larger then both of these countries combined)And they are both essentially cash cows with both having very high GDP's. So i can imagine why placebo thinks UK is a shithole compared to sweeden and singapore, LOL. It makes sense it terms of quality of life.

About Sweden/Singapore you make a valid point, but the Czech Republic is a much poorer country than the UK, it's also a far less developed country than the UK in terms of its social awareness, (hell in CZ you sometimes get looked at funny if you're male and have an earring if you catch my drift) ;) But the fact remains that the quality of life was much higher than in England even if I had less disposable income than I did when in England, and there were virtually nil anti-social problems that I experienced, in the town I lived in (which admittedly was fairly small about 10k or so) or in Prague itself, in fact the few times I witnessed loutish behaviour was in Prague and it was caused by scummy English "people" who'd come over for stag parties.......
About Sweden/Singapore you make a valid point, but the Czech Republic is a much poorer country than the UK, it's also a far less developed country than the UK in terms of its social awareness, (hell in CZ you sometimes get looked at funny if you're male and have an earring if you catch my drift) ;) But the fact remains that the quality of life was much higher than in England even if I had less disposable income than I did when in England, and there were virtually nil anti-social problems that I experienced, in the town I lived in (which admittedly was fairly small about 10k or so) or in Prague itself, in fact the few times I witnessed loutish behaviour was in Prague and it was caused by scummy English "people" who'd come over for stag parties.......

well i understand CZ is much poorer and i cant comment as its shocking to me... but again it sounds like you lived in a small town.. i would think most small towns anywhere would have fewer social issues... then there big city counterparts... is a small english country town that bad??!?!?! I mean i can imagine london like new york has some really bad parts... but the english countryside?
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