Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Looks terrible. Shocked they showed the game in such a bad state, glitchy, buggy, poor models, lack of normal maps. Not to mention the locations look nothing like Victorian England, did they do no research at all?
Looks terrible. Shocked they showed the game in such a bad state, glitchy, buggy, poor models, lack of normal maps. Not to mention the locations look nothing like Victorian England, did they do no research at all?

It's Victorian England if you put moss on the Italian buildings and change the colour filters slightly to make it look old.

I'm not sure they can go any further with Creed now. It's the same tired setup every game now.
The lighting is horrific, looks far too colourful, they should watch something like From Hell, that portrayed Victorian Whitechapel really well.
Tired of this series. Bought Unity and everything seemed so stale. The combat, assasinations, running and jumping etc.. This series needs a complete REVAMP otherwise it's a no go for me and I'm sure many other people as well.
They need to do what they should have done from the beginning and make the focus more on the assassinations. Basically copy hitman blood money but open world.
Multiple ways to take the targets out, story adjusts depending on how you manage it.
What they actually need to do is *STOP* making these shite buggy games and give them a decent break for a few years.
Pulling this up, hehe.

Just ready to start with this, have bought the Season Pass, as I normally do.

Hope it's far better than Unity, which I thought was pretty dull.

See there is no assassins creed game coming out this year.

Think I read something about a reboot for the new consoles, and obviously there has been the Chronicles that have sprung up.

Guess that's to give us a rest and then whack another squad of them out in the next few years.

They've totally tailed off from the original story for me, once Desmond went that seemed to kill a lot of the story really for me.

That'll probably be Empires I believe next year it is released.

One of the game creators confirmed there'd be no game this year.

Completed this, just bought a couple of extras in Jack the Ripper and Crimes DLC, enjoyed it enough, way better than the Unity game.

Not sure at all though about all this present day cutscenes, actually lost interest with it to be honest now, as I don't think they have a clue where they are going with the story.

Did they ever fix SLI performance for this? The Division has terrible SLI performance as well so I'm curious if I can hold out hope for an improvement (Far Cry Primal has very good SLI performance so it can't simply be said "Ubi don't support SLI").
Finally finished Jack The Ripper, actually a decent little add-on.

Playing as both characters was actually good too in the normal game and in JTR was good to be able to play as Jack at points too.

Have played all AC games so started this one about a month ago.
Really like it dispite some flaws. It's more of the same sure, but i don't consider that a bad thing.

For those who didn't play : there's a great black friday deal on right now.
You get black flag, Unity and Syndicate for € 29,99 of you are a ps+ member.
Nice deal i would say.
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