Nintendo DS / 3DS / Wii / Wii U

Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

Thanks, I'll check it out. ;)

I've got all sorts of stuff I don't use any more, never traded or sold anything before really.
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Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

I have been thinking of buying DS lite for this summer. What are the best games for it cause i dont think im gonna buy too many of them. Im thinking of maybe getting newsupermariobros and maybe tetris or meteos. Are there some accesories i should also buy for DS?
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

Dont know about what add-ons you need, but get Mario Kart, it's top, Brain Training is ok, havent played enough of animal crossing yet.
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

brain training isnt game.
reading mathematic text books for junior high school is better for brain training.
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

Friday, can't wait to finally open New Super Mario Bros that I've kept in a drawer for the past 3 weeks in anticipation of the Lite (already have access to a regular DS).

Nintendo said today the shipment that was stolen last week was WHITE DS Lites, not black as previously reported. I pre-ordered a white pretty much as soon as you were able to, better not affect my order!
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

Question - can you connect a DS (Lite) to a GBA? I see a similar-looking connection on the DS but it looks a bit smaller than the one on the GBA...? Do you need a special cable?

Second question - the DS is Wi-Fi enabled, but does this only count for DS games? For example, if I'm 100 miles away from someone with a GBA game, both of us next to our wireless routers, can we play that GBA game against each-other as if we were standing next to eachother?
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

GBA games wont work via WiFi akaik.

Not sure about the connection between a DS and a GBA.
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

GBA link up is not possible using a NDS. No cables, no wireless feature, nothing works. Kinda dumb, huh?
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

RuneEdge said:
GBA link up is not possible using a NDS. No cables, no wireless feature, nothing works. Kinda dumb, huh?
Damn, that's terrible. :( I thought this picture had a picture of a GBA link-port on and got excited. What the hell is this port for then (the one to the right of the cartridge slot)?

Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

Power cable goes in there to charge it JB
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

Got my DS Lite yesterday - superb! Never owned a regular DS but the Lite looks stunning and much more impressive than just £99, and while I only have 1 game, Truama center, it's brilliant! If you've not got one, then get one!!!!
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

I have a regular DS since february 2005 (Vip Pack) and yesterday I grabbeda black's amazing! The screens are way better than the normal ds ones, and in case you're wondering...yes, the fingerprints are visible on the outer case but yes, they're very easy to remove (just use an eyeglass cleaning cloth).
About the gba port, it plays every gba game but only in single player mode, since it doesn't have a gba compatible port and the gba wireless adapter isn't compatible with the DS Wifi feature. This is for both the regular DS and the lite aswell.
Re: Nintendo Wii

I'm totally with nintendo and the Wii, I just hope they really axpand theit game catalogue filling the blanks the GC had (like racing simulation games etc). Winning should be there, infact in the official list of game currently in development for the platform we have a "soccer game" from konami, so it should be it definitely. I hope it'll have online gaming and some cool gameplay innovation, but I hope they won't press too hard on the wiimote functions to avoid messing up the WE magic. I'd be glad if the game is goos, with pretty gfx and solid gameplay, even if you could only play with the "classic" controller (oh wait, it'd be better with the classic controller=P).
The price will be good, around 200-250€ I think, I just hope they decide to include the classic controller along with the wiimote and nunchuck in the console bundle, to make it a standard.
Re: Nintendo Wii

The fact that you say racing simulation, its that 360 and PS3 is "usually" for the more hardcore gamer that will enjoy simulation and be bothered.

Whereas Wii, which will be a 2ndary console, or be brought for casual use like Ninty are advertising, so there won't be enough demand to get a simulation racer I think, though we might see PGR3-esque game, arcade racing with real cars.

Anyway, can you play online games with Wii?
Re: Nintendo Wii

Of course you canplay online games with the Wii...the console itself has Wifi compatibility out of the box and should even be compatible with the already available wifi usb adapter used with the ds.
Online games will be the like of Final fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Animal Crossing, very very probably Winning Eleven etc. We're still waiting for confirmations and further details, since Ninty is keeping it lips tight for the moment.
About the games, yes you're right but it would be indeed sweet to have more franchises and genres covered on Wii, but i think it'll depend on the success the console wil have. Anyway at the very least it seems that Wii+360 will be a great duo.
Re: Nintendo Wii

I think UbiSoft are making games for Wii, but thats just one. The rest are Nintendo games, and 3rd parties like EA, eg Burnout will launch, more or less the same game (bar graphics) on the Wii. Without specific games made on Wii by 3rd parties, it might die like Dreamcast, but I doubt it, the Nintendo games should keep people happy. Anyway, any MGS planned for Wii?
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

Tyrian³ said:
I have a regular DS since february 2005 (Vip Pack) and yesterday I grabbeda black's amazing! The screens are way better than the normal ds ones, and in case you're wondering...yes, the fingerprints are visible on the outer case but yes, they're very easy to remove (just use an eyeglass cleaning cloth).
About the gba port, it plays every gba game but only in single player mode, since it doesn't have a gba compatible port and the gba wireless adapter isn't compatible with the DS Wifi feature. This is for both the regular DS and the lite aswell.
Please tell me that's only true in some games... I've bought an NDS Lite purely so that I can play a GBA game versus a mate who has an NDS Lite, seeing as there's nowhere to plug a GBA link cable in.

Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

Jack Bauer said:
Please tell me that's only true in some games... I've bought an NDS Lite purely so that I can play a GBA game versus a mate who has an NDS Lite, seeing as there's nowhere to plug a GBA link cable in.


Dont know why its crap!!!

DS uses wifi, GBA does not.
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

i'm sorry, but since the gba is quite cheap nowadays Nintendo has made the decision to include support for gba games but focusing mainly on ds features. If you needed to play gba games in multi with a friend the best option would have been buying a cheap Sp somewhere where you live or on the net. The Lite is an excellent hardware but it's meant primarly for ds games of course. What game did you want to play anyway? Isn't there a DS version available or in development?
Re: Nintendo Wii

Well, for what I'm seeing the support is strong and getting even stronger, with so many important developers already "on board", like Capcom, Konami, Namco-Bandai, Sega-Sammy, Square-Enix etc. I think that many have decided for a "wait and see" approach to the Wii, and who can blame them if it's true that even the developers don't know yet the full hardware specs and potential of the console. Nintendo itself is still deciding the final touches to the Wii. Anyway for the support I don't see a situation like N64 or GC, where it's Nintendo and a couple of others and stop. Especially in this period when most of the "exclusive" titles are going, or have already gone, multiplatform (GTA will be on 360 too, and the very Winning Eleven we know and love will be on every console) the situation will be different from the past.
I only read the factsheet released at E3 but I can assure you that really it's not like there's only Ninty, EA and Ubi, the 3rd party support is way stronger.
MGS for now should be only on ps3, with a possible port to 360. BUT with all this confusion about the ps3 and the love mikami has for ninty platforms I think that we could very well be able to see a MGS for Wii in the near future. I don't know if it'll be a port or an original title like it's happening with Resident Evil.

PS: about this MGS thing I wanted to add that I think the situation is similar to Final Fantasy...when asked about the exclusivity to the ps3 a S-E dev said that FOR NOW it is exclusive but there's also the possibility it appears on other platforms.
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

There is a version in development, thank God.

What's the best DS game to tide me over until Christmas, then?
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

I have:

New Super Mario Bros (out Friday or you could import, I did!)
Mario Kart DS
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Tetris DS
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

What game is it anyway? Just curious =)
the games Classic said are all very good games, I'd like to add Trauma Center Under the Knife, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, Mario&Luigi Partners in Time and Metroid Prime Hunters.
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

If I said the name of the game I'd get laughed out of the forums - in my defence, my girlfriend is more into-it than I am... *Cough*

Ideally I wanted an online game, more because I'm curious as to how well it works than anything else. I was looking at Animal Crossing, which is supposedly totally different to most games, and Mario Kart DS, which looks great but I can imagine it getting very repetitive. New Super Mario Bros also caught my eye, especially as something to play for an hour waiting for the train, but I'd probably get the feeling that I'd done it all before. Trauma Center also stood out, but that seems so different from anything I can't imagine myself playing it.

Oh, and also, Advance Wars 2 has been in my mind since playing the first one, even though I got stuck on that and never played it again (as I've done with all of the C&C's - love them, can never ever finish them).

I'll probably pre-order New Super Mario Bros shortly, as the DS is sitting here whispering "I cost £100 and all you can do is look at me". Shame that I can't decide between Animal Crossing and Mario Kart to play online though. Any other online games in the pipeline that could force me to save my money?
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

The new Castlevania is gonna be online.
But IMO, the NDS is better for multiplayer WiFi with your mates rather than going online with it cuz not many games are online enabled.

But if you want a online game right now, Tetris DS would be a good buy. It surprisingly has a much longer replay value than one would assume. The many different modes will keep you occupied long enough till the next batch of good NDS games come out.
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

Don't forget Metroid is online too (if you like FPS of course).
Man, I respect your silence, and I understand since many people use to make fun of things like that, but personally I respect everyone having fun, even if it's Barbie Horse Adventure =P
Animal Crossing is great if you play it for a short session every day, isn't the kind of game you play 8 hours, simply because it a different game. There's not a story to follow, it's just a virtual life so as in normal life there could be boring moments if you play for a long time.
Mario Kart online is very very fun, but I'm not a "snaker" so I don't play it too much with people I don't know.
Hey, I'm also a C&C lover and I never managed to beat the games on my own...I got frustrated and edited the Rules.ini just to finish the game and see the movies=)
Mario is a little nostalgic so to speak, but has some new features too, it's a good mix of retro and new. If you're a pro it'll be easy for the most part though.
Trauma center is great, and it's not an easy be precise in the advanced stages it gets insanely hard! anyway it's a lot of fun!
I'd add again the Phoenix Wright game, I'm really into it ^^
between AC and MK (and Metroid too) it's really up to you, it depends on what kind of online experience you'd like best.
Too bad that Winning Eleven online on DS is coming this Oct...I know it's good so they improve the gameplay etc, but I want it so badly=P
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

Thanks for all your help Tyrian³, and ClassicD. Tyrian³, it's not Barbie Horse Adventures, heh, but I share your sentiments. A game is a game and if it makes people happy then go for it; I totally understand when people enjoy FIFA more than WE, etc. There's a guy I work with who absolutely adores FIFA but nobody makes a fuss about it. We play WE at lunch and he plays FIFA with the others. No biggie.

The game I like is still embarrassing though. :oops:

Anyway - made the plunge today. Got Animal Crossing to play with the missus, but didn't realise that with the online play you can only visit towns if you have a friend's code, rather than just being able to visit a random town, which is a bit disappointing. Excellent game though.

ALSO Got Mario Kart DS, which is fantastic online. I only found out what the word "snaking" means today, as I experienced it in every one of my first three races, heh.

And FINALLY, pre-ordered New Super Mario Bros, which I can't wait for.

I was going to get Phoenix Wright, but A) they didn't have it, and B) it's a good job or I would have bankrupted myself... :) I know a shop that has it though and I get paid at the end of this week, so I think I'll be paying them a visit soon.

Two more questions: I'm trying to share my Mario Kart DS cart with the missus, using the "cart sharing" option. Everything goes well and it says "downloading" but it's said that for 30 mins before we've given up. The DS's are next to eachother, no objects in the way... What could have gone wrong?

And secondly, what is the gameplay in Phoenix Wright like? I can't imagine how it works!

Thanks again guys.
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

The AC online mode is this way because you don't want someone you don't know randomly visit your town and ruinint everything, cutting al the trees and doing all the mean tricks people can do =P
I can't help you with the MK thing because I never had the chance to play it locally.
The gameplay in Phoenix is very simple, it's all touch based. On the top screen you have the scenes etc, and on the touch you have the actions (like "talk", "move" "present" etc). There's an investigation part where you go talking to people and visiting places trying to get all the evidence and infos is possible (you can also examine the various locations, with a target you can move on the touch screen). Then there's the trial, which is focused on the witnesses's testimonies. They say what they have to say, you can press them making question and you can show evidence when you spot a contraddiction or a hole in what the witness said. It's very satisfying. One of the best part is you can use the mic to say "hold it!" when you want to press and "objection!" when you have proof to show. Just hold Y and shout ^_^ it feels great, hehe!

EDIT: there's a nice gameplay video on youtube at this url wright
it's from the upcoming Phoenix Wright 2, but it happens to be very similar to the first, so you can see some in-game mechanics with your own eyes =) And if you want to see more just look at the right bar in that page, there are other Phoenix Wright videos available.
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