Battlefield 3

Actually I've never played hardcore before, you've peaked my interest in it now. I might give that a go tonight. So do people tend to play as a team a bit more in hardcore or is it more of the same?
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I only play on Hardcore too. I love this game, but I've been playing mainly on the Metro map on Conquest with 1750 tickets. So, so good. I hated that map originally.
I miss using the Saiga and the spas, but I feel bad playing with them.
Not that I think they are overpowered, but when you know when and you get used to the aiming its cheese indeed.
I avoid servers people only use them, but its hard, cause I also see medic trains with AEKs everywhere.
Actually I've never played hardcore before, you've peaked my interest in it now. I might give that a go tonight. So do people tend to play as a team a bit more in hardcore or is it more of the same?
It is much better in my opinion - although as with the majority of online shooters, people do run off on their own and do things which fuck your own team up (such as sodding off with transport vehicles alone as the driver), I do tend to see more teamwork. That probably has to do with the fact that if you get blindsided, you are 100% dead so it's a case of safety in numbers making people stick together.

Also there's no 3D spotting in hardcore, so you can't just sit back and wait for teammates to designate people then fire just under the indicator to get kills. I tend to play mostly on Hardcore No Map though because I don't like how gunshots highlight your exact location on the minimap.

I just find the normal mode very frustrating to play having got used to hardcore - seeing someone get shot in the chest/neck with blood going everywhere then seeing them sprint off and duck behind cover before returning fire is ridiculous. If you hit someone with a clean shot on hardcore then they're going down.

I only play on Hardcore too. I love this game, but I've been playing mainly on the Metro map on Conquest with 1750 tickets. So, so good. I hated that map originally.
Some of the choke points on Metro are crazy - you can set a machine gun up on a bipod and just continuously fire into some of them and get loads of kills :LOL: The other thing that happens is the support guys putting down ammo crates and everyone going on a cycle of throwing then replenishing grenades haha! If one team dominates though it can be a complete borefest of spawn trapping.
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Sounds good. I've found that, playing on normal, the support guns are terrible compared to the assault ones. Maybe then it's different in hardcore.

And to be honest, in Bad Company 2 I loved the spotting mechanic as it was a teamwork-based thing, but absolutely no-one uses it in BF3 so it won't be a big loss to the game.
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I use the M240B as support class. With the extended rounds you can literally start firing, sellotape your button down, go and make a cup of tea and return to see you're just coming to the end of the magazine/clip. The downside of that is that support class guns aren't overly powerful, and their spread is crazy due to the weight and horizontal and vertical recoil. As Rob says, the bipod stand does help. Saying that, I do tend to just burst fire with the support class, as holding the trigger down can be infuriating for the opposition. I wouldn't like it, so I try to even things up. I much prefer medic class and can't get enough of the AEK at the moment. Yeah, I know so many folk use it but I've got used to it now after using the Famas for so long. Really like it.
This game freezes my console pretty much every two or three times I try loading it up. Just froze near the end of a 45 minute match. Funny that no other game I own causes the console to freeze.

Fucking EA.
It happens every now and again for me, it tends to occur more when initially trying to boot to the main menu after launch.
Quick impressions on End Game:
Air Superiority, heat seekers everywhere. Looks like they've made this for people who can't kill with jets to have a chance. It's your time to shine jaygrim & Bobby!
Capture the Flag, awesome but I'd like to see it with no vehicles on classic maps, imagine an Operation Metro CTF. Every noob tend to attack too, no team work and defensive play.
Need to play the modes more, with good players, to have a solid opinion though.
They still the same, the airspace feels bigger though, with far less obstacles.
Which only make it harder to me, cause its tough to fly with low speeds and use those obstacles to deflect the heat seekers.
Oh and you can't eject off the seat.
Sauce the Battlefield Jet noob!

I bet you think it is cool to have a positive kill/death ratio :LOL: NOOB!!
Really enjoyed playing the End Game levels last night but this freezing issue is ruining the game. It's really odd. If I play on a reasonably short game, or one that is annoying and my team is getting a slapping, it's fine. But play the game on a really long match like the one in the snowy mountains (forgot its name) and it freezes all the time, making me have to restart the console.

I played an awesome CQ game on that mountain range level, I even finally got a lot of points in a jet, had some great ground battles, and because the ticket and map size the game was still at around 400-600 after nearly two hours. Then the game froze. Two hours for nothing and lost points.
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I get random freezes too. Usually prior to starting, on the title screen. Have to switch off the 360 and start again. It's rare it happens during a match, but it does happen, yes.

Thankfully point and K/D tallying autosave every so often, but it's still frustrating.
Either way, it's unplayable for me which is great considering with the game, then Premium, I've sunk around £75 on this game and for what? One in every five or six games freezes my console making me need to turn it off, and since the 2GB update the lag on my game has been fucking appalling. Unplayably so. I'm giving up in frustration every time I play it.

I was playing earlier and I fired into a soldier from behind as he was looking out of a window. He had no idea I was there, and after I noticed that it took 73 bullets from my machine gun. The same guy came round a few moments later and shot me from absolutely miles away, I went down in two bullets, pretty much instantly.

That sums up my experience with the game now frankly. I don't really understand why I can shoot an enemy soldier from out a window constantly as he runs across an empty road, before disappearing into another doorway, yet if I get shot the moment a bullet hits me I'm down. The moment I get hit my soldier is rooted to the spot anyways, so I don't understand how other people are able to carry on sprinting and jumping as I'm ploughing bullets into them. Really, really shit.

Oh, and I'm now randomly dying with the message saying 'bad luck' all the time. Sometimes it doesn't happen for a while, then it'll happen constantly. It did it three times in one single match.

Maybe the game is lagging at the moment because End Game has come out and perhaps there's a resurgence of people playing it, but for fuck sake EA this just isn't good enough. All games have a spot of lag here and there but I find that since the patch every single match, every one, sees me need to unload an entire clip before it'll do anything, whereas I seem to get downed almost immediately.

Best one was a guy shot and missed me, he was standing about two feet from me round the corner and I could hear him reloading his gun. I then darted round the corner to get him while he was reloading, he was standing there doing the reload animation, and bizarrely shot me while apparently reloading his gun.

No, wait, the actual best one was how I saw a guy in a window, started shooting him, with hit-markers, and he jumped out of the window on top of a car, I shot him again, and he unloaded a USAS-12 on me. He got shot with 50 rounds of an assault rifle, jumped 20ft out of a window, got shot again, then blasted me and carried on sprinting down the road. :THINK:
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Would battlefield 3 be worth picking up on the pc version now? or would it be to late as battlefield 4 no doubt will be out this year?
I'm still having tons of fun with it and most of its premium content on PeeZee. It's still looking amazingly faptastic and having a wide array of maps of different sizes, looks and playstyles to cater your moods surely helps its longevity, too. For me, it's a welcome contrast to playing more tactical games like Arma 2 (Wasteland) or the Arma 3 Alpha. So, yeah, I'd definitely still pick it up. BF4 should still be seven, eight months away anyway, and, remember, that's only the open beta. The full release won't be out until some time 2014.

Make sure, though, to get the Premium Edition as you really don't want to miss out on most of its DLCs.
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I think I'll pick it up especially as the premium edition is £22 now, just one last thing, is there still alot of players on pc playing it?
Does anyone know if there are any official servers left? I've been playing the game in hardcore mode and really enjoying it, but it's being ruined by admins. Pretty much any time I do really well and have a good game, I get kicked with no reason.

If I'm playing really well then it's probably a one in two chance I'll be thrown out of the game by some petulant admin sore because I got the better of them. Given that anyone with Premium have sunk the best part of £70 into this game I think EA have a responsibility to their customers to maintain official servers.

I didn't pay my money to barely be able to play a match without being kicked.
Just out of curiousity, why did the 2 Battlefield 4 threads get deleted?

Is it taboo on here?

I know because me and someone else posted at the exact same time and I then posted on the other guy's thread, but they're off now?

I think there is still one BF4 thread up and running.

Cheers to you guys in this thread recommending Hardcore mode a while back. It feels so much more like BF of old. Played a game where my squad were spawning on each other and crawling through a field to get to the MCOM station Rush mode, sticking to the long grass. There were lots of snipers who are pretty much a one hit kill in HC mode, and with no cam afterwards you have no idea where they are. Made for a tactical game and one where we eventually got in round the side and won the game due to outmaneuvring the opposition rather than COD style running and gunning.

I have no idea why I didn't try this mode sooner.
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