The Gamertags Thread [PSN/XBLive]

Re: PSN tags thread


Add away. Games currently

Battlefield 1943
Fight Night 4:BYE:
Re: XBox 360 GamerCards

XBOX 360 gamertag question?

I beat tiger woods on my first gamertag, however that xbox live account expired. i now have my second gamertag and have an xbox live account on but dont feel like beating hte game again. Is there a way i can load the character from my first gamer tag and use it on my second? Please help!
Re: XBox 360 Gamertags


New gamertag for me feel free to add always had an american one back to english now. Dont suppose theres anyway to transfer my achievments over?
xbox Meerkatomanor also brother has drwhofan007

both playing battlefield 3 , fifa 13 forza horizon and nfs most wanted , also bo2 when out tomorrow

feel free to add thanks
Yo I'm on the PS4 and have so few friends there! Adding some of you dudes but feel free to send me an invite as well. A line about being from Evo-web don't hurt
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